Jurassic Park Blu-raylle

Keskustelu osiossa 'Blu-ray & UHD -leffat' , aloittajana The_hane, 28.06.2011.

  1. The_hane

    The_hane Guest Guest

    Saadut tykkäykset:

    This October, Universal Studios Home Entertainment will bring one of the most popular film series of all time to Blu-ray: the Jurassic Park Trilogy. Based on Michael Crichton's best-selling novel, director Steven Spielberg's Jurassic Park created a world where science brought the dinosaurs back to life, a world further explored in its popular sequels The Lost World: Jurassic Park and Jurassic Park III.

    Universal presents the Jurassic Park Trilogy remastered for 1080p, with all films shown in their original aspect ratios of 1.85:1 and given DTS-HD Master Audio tracks. In terms of special features, the Blu-ray collection will feature all supplements from the previous DVD editions, including (but not limited to):

    * The Making of Jurassic Park featurette
    * The Making of The Lost World: Jurassic Park featurette
    * The Making of Jurassic Park III featurette
    * Steven Spielberg Directs Jurassic Park featurette
    * Early Pre-Production Meetings
    * The World of Jurassic Park featurette
    * The Magic of Industrial Light & Magic featurette
    * Location Scouting
    * Phil Tippett Animatics: Raptors In The Kitchen featurette
    * The Jurassic Park Phenomenon: A Discussion with Author Michael Crichton featurette
    * Industrial Light & Magic and Jurassic Park: Before and After The Visual Effects featurette
    * Industrial Light & Magic and The Lost World: Jurassic Park Before & After featurette
    * The Industrial Light & Magic Press Reel
    * A Visit to Industrial Light & Magic featurette
    * Hurricane in Kauai featurette
    * Dinosaur Turntables featurette
    * The Dinosaurs of Jurassic Park III featurette
    * Montana: Finding New Dinosaurs featurette
    * Animatics: T-Rex Attack featurette
    * The Special Effects of Jurassic Park III featurette
    * The Sounds of Jurassic Park III featurette
    * The Art of Jurassic Park III featurette
    * Tour of Stan Winston Studio featurette
    * Feature Commentary on Jurassic Park III with Special Effects Team
    * Production Archives: Storyboards, Models, Photographs, Design Sketches, and Conceptual Drawings
    * Deleted Scenes
    * Theatrical Trailers
    Furthermore, the Jurassic Park Trilogy has digital copies of the three films and over two hours of bonus materials newly produced for Blu-ray; the new material takes the form of a six-part retrospective documentary titled Return to Jurassic Park. This documentary - made up of the Dawn of a New Era, Making Pre-history, The Next Step in Evolution, Finding The Lost World, Something Survived, and The Third Adventure behind-the-scenes segments - features never-before-seen interviews with the cast and crew of the three films, including Jurassic Park and The Lost World: Jurassic Park director Steven Spielberg.

    Exclusive to Blu-ray will be Universal's BD-Live, My Scenes, pocket BLU, Advanced Remote Control, Video Timeline, Mobile-To-Go, Browse Titles, and Keyboard interactive functionality components.

    As previously reported, Universal will also offer the Jurassic Park Trilogy in a special "Limited Edition" Blu-ray gift set; check back later for further information on that version of the trilogy.

    The Jurassic Park Trilogy streets on October 25th, 2011.
  2. Professional

    Professional Stirlingite Tukijoukot

    11 429
    Saadut tykkäykset:
  3. ElvisThePelvis

    ElvisThePelvis Lähes henkilökuntaa

    11 669
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Löydät vastauksen näin. :)

    LE-versioon olisi tulossa näköjään patsasta ja olisiko tuo kotelokin tin-versio.
  4. Professional

    Professional Stirlingite Tukijoukot

    11 429
    Saadut tykkäykset:
  5. SamTheMan

    SamTheMan Guest Guest

    1 525
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Kallis loppuvuosi tulossa... Haluttais kyllä tuo patsas, mutta taidan tyytyä normiversioon. Toivottavasti JP1 on taas kunnon demomatskua niinkuin DVD -versio oli :thumbsup:
  6. Apinamakina

    Apinamakina Tuttu käyttäjä

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Mjuu itelle kelpaa tuo peltirasia julkaisu, en kehtaa mitään dinosaurus patsasta pistää hyllylle. :rolleyes:
  7. Takeshi666

    Takeshi666 Lähes henkilökuntaa Tukijoukot

    2 005
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Keräilijäbokseista se wanha kahden levyn boksi mikä julkaistiin joskus vuonna kivi ja miekka oli huomattavasti houkuttelevampi kuin mikään dino-patsas, olihan siinä soundtrackitkin mukana...
  8. Clef

    Clef Vakiokasvo

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Tässä tulee olemaan muuten 7.1-ääniraita. Ei kai noita kovin montaa olekaan vielä?
  9. temeksi

    temeksi Guest Guest

    1 754
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    N. 5% (n. 250) kaikista julkaisuista on ollut tähän mennessä 7.1. Osuus nousee huomattavasti kun aletaaan puhumaan uudemmista/eeppisemmistä elokuvista.
  10. autio

    autio Guest Guest

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Mistäs julkaisuversioista löytyy varmuudella suomenkiel. tekstitykset? Tässä perusversiossa nyt ainakin, mutta tietysti nuo keräilijäherkut (peltiboksi-versio tai patsaan kanssa tuleva) houkuttelisivat enemmän...
  11. Lightwolf

    Lightwolf Tunnettu käyttäjä

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Miksi haluat suomitekstit? Englanti on helppo kieli ymmärtää. :confused:

    Vihdoinkin tulevat bluraylle, on sen verran kamalan pehmeä kuvanlaatu noissa dvd-versioissa. :thumbsup:
  12. mot67

    mot67 Tunnettu käyttäjä

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Miksi joillekkin on aina niin vaikea ymmärtää suomenkieltä, että joku haluaa levyt suomitekstityksillä syystä tai toisesta :OI
    Itsellä voi ola hyä tai loistava englanninkielentaito, toisella huonompi, joillakin olematon... joku on vaan tottunut katsomaan elokuvat suomitekstein vaikka osaisikin englantia,kenties haluaa että jälkikasvu jonka englanti ei vielä ole niin hyvä voi myös katsoa elokuvan...
    Aina on joku joka tuputtaa suomitekstittömiä ylimielisestiettä "kaikkihan nyt englatia sen verran osaa, tyhmä!" :hitme:
    Viimeksi muokattu: 28.09.2011
  13. Leterface

    Leterface Lähes henkilökuntaa

    5 057
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Itse veikkaan että esim. UK-versiossa on suomitekstitys..
  14. Jokke79

    Jokke79 Vakiokasvo

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Joo, toi on huvittavaa toi päteminen tolla kielitaidolla. Itsellä on ainakin aika hyvä englannin kielen taito, mutta silti katselen mieluummin suomiteksteillä. Se on tottumiskysymys, turha siitä on inttää
  15. gaston

    gaston Lähes henkilökuntaa

    3 493
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    UK version lehdistötiedoteessa mainitiin samat tekstitykset kuin US versiossa on (piti linkki laitaa mutten löytänyt sitä enää), saataa tuokin olla vain kopsattu alkuperäisestä A-alueen tiedoteesta eikä pidä tältäosin paikkansa.

    Limited edition avattuna: http://uk.ign.com/videos/2011/09/23/jurassic-park-limited-edition-blu-ray-unboxing

    ja Tin versio puolestaan sisältää seuraavanlaista ylimääräistä sälää:
    Replica of the original cinema poster
    6 full colour photo cards
    12 concept art cards
    Acetate sticker
  16. Rooky

    Rooky Lähes henkilökuntaa Tukijoukot

    3 723
    Saadut tykkäykset:

  17. autio

    autio Guest Guest

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Enpä ole sinällään yllättynyt että tuollainen reaktio taas jostakin irtosi. Periaatteesta en kuitenkaan ala perustella miksi tarvitsen/kaipaan julkaisulta suomisubeja tai hindinkielistä dubbausta, rölleillä voi muuallakin kuin täällä...

    Ainakin Discshop listaa suomen tähän "LE patsasta ja muuta roinaa" -setin tekstityksiin, joten julkaisuista 2/3 on nyt ainakin saanut varmistuksen...

    ... Mutta meikää kiinnostaisikin nimenomaan toi Tin case -edition! Itse en ole ainakaan suomenkiel. subeja onnistunut bongaamaan julkaisun tiedoista, lienevätköhän vielä puutteellisia vaiko ei...
  18. gaston

    gaston Lähes henkilökuntaa

    3 493
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Löysin tuon mainitsemani lehdistätiedoteen jossa UK versioon luvataan vain Amerikkalaiset tekstitykset eli englanti huonokuuloisille, ranska ja espanja. Tosin ikärajaksi väitetään PG-13 jolaista Englanissa ei taida olla, hinnat ilmoitettu kuitenkin puntina.

    Jurassic Park to be Re-Released in Cinemasfrom September 23rd, 2011 to Celebrate the Launch of this Ground-Breaking Trilogy on Blu-ray™

    All Three Epic Adventures from Filmmaker Steven Spielberg​ Plus More Than Two Hours of All-New Bonus Features

    Available on Blu-ray™ For the First Time Ever On October 24, 2011

    LONDON, August 27, 2011 – Universal Pictures UK is pleased to announce that Jurassic Park, the first film from Steven Spielberg’s famous trilogy will be re-released on Friday, September 23rd, 2011 in UK cinemas to celebrate the launch of all three films on Blu-ray™.

    One of the most anticipated motion-picture trilogies of all time Jurassic Park, The Lost World: Jurassic Park and Jurassic Park III​ will debut as a trilogy set on Blu-ray™ October 24th 2011 from Universal Pictures International Home Entertainment. Acclaimed filmmaker Steven Spielberg’s award-winning cinematic franchise, based on the best-selling book by Michael Crichton​, generated nearly $2 billion combined at the worldwide box office and featured groundbreaking visual effects that changed the art of movie-making forever. Now, all three epic films have been digitally restored and remastered in flawless high definition for the ultimate viewing experience. In addition, the films’ visceral sound effects and the unforgettable music from legendary composer John Williams​ can now be heard in pristine 7.1 surround sound. This collectible three-movie set also features hours of bonus features, including an all-new, six-part documentary and digital copies of all three films that can be viewed on an array of portable devices anytime, anywhere. The Jurassic Park Ultimate Trilogy is also available in a spectacular Limited Edition Gift Set, Ultimate Collector’s Gift Set and on DVD.

    The Jurassic Park Ultimate Trilogy features an all-star cast including Sam Neill​, Laura Dern​, Jeff Goldblum​, Samuel L. Jackson, Richard Attenborough​, Ariana Richards, Joseph Mozzello, Julianne Moore​, Vince Vaughn​, William H. Macy and Tea Leoni. In addition to the talented cast of actors, the Trilogy features stars of a different magnitude—from the huge Tyrannosaurus rex to the vicious Velociraptor, the Jurassic Park films showcase an extraordinary level of realism and technical innovation brought to life by a talented design team which include: Stan Winston​, Live Action Dinosaurs; ILM’s Dennis Muren​, Full Motion Dinosaurs; Phil Tippett, Dinosaur Supervisor; Michael Lantieri​, Special Dinosaur Effects and Special Visual Effects by Industrial Light & Magic.


    ■“Return to Jurassic Park” – this six-part documentary features all-new interviews with many of the cast members from all three films, the filmmakers and Steven Spielberg. ■Dawn of a New Era
    ■Making Pre-history
    ■The Next Step in Evolution
    ■Finding The Lost World
    ■Something Survived
    ■The Third Adventure

    · BD-LIVE™: Access the BD-Live™ Centre through your Internet-connected player to watch exclusive content, the latest trailers, and more!
    ■MY SCENES: Bookmark your favorite scenes from the film.
    ■pocket BLU™: The groundbreaking pocket BLU™ app uses iPad®, iPhone®, iPod® touch, Android™, PC and Mac® to work seamlessly with a network-connected Blu-ray™ player. Plus iPad® owners can enjoy a new, enhanced edition of pocket BLU™ made especially to take advantage of the tablet’s larger screen and high resolution display. Consumers will be able to browse through a library of Blu-ray™ content and watch entertaining extras on-the-go in a way that’s bigger and better than ever before. pocket BLU™offers advanced features such as: ■ADVANCED REMOTE CONTROL: A sleek, elegant new way to operate your Blu-ray™ player. Users can navigate through menus, playback and BD-Live™ functions with ease.
    ■VIDEO TIMELINE: Users can easily bring up the video timeline, allowing them to instantly access any point in the film.
    ■MOBILE-TO-GO: Users can unlock a selection of bonus content with their Blu-ray™ discs to save to their device or to stream from anywhere there is a Wi-Fi network, enabling them to enjoy content on the go, anytime, anywhere.
    ■BROWSE TITLES: Users will have access to a complete list of pocket BLU™-enabled titles available and coming to Blu-ray™. They can view free previews and see what additional content is available to unlock on their device.
    ■KEYBOARD: Entering data is fast and easy with your device’s intuitive keyboard.

    Other Blu-ray™ bonuses include:
    ■The Making of Jurassic Park
    ■The Making of The Lost World: Jurassic Park
    ■The Making of Jurassic Park III
    ■Steven Spielberg Directs Jurassic Park
    ■Early Pre-Production Meetings
    ■The World of Jurassic Park
    ■The Magic of Industrial Light & Magic
    ■Location Scouting
    ■Phil Tippett Animatics: Raptors In The Kitchen
    ■The Jurassic Park Phenomenon: A Discussion with Author Michael Crichton
    ■Industrial Light & Magic and Jurassic Park: Before and After The Visual Effects
    ■Industrial Light & Magic and The Lost World: Jurassic Park Before & After
    ■The Industrial Light & Magic Press Reel
    ■A Visit to Industrial Light & Magic
    ■Hurricane in Kauai Featurette
    ■Dinosaur Turntables
    ■The Dinosaurs of Jurassic Park III
    ■Montana: Finding New Dinosaurs
    ■Animatics: T-Rex Attack
    ■The Special Effects of Jurassic Park III
    ■The Sounds of Jurassic Park III
    ■The Art of Jurassic Park III
    ■Tour of Stan Winston Studio
    ■Feature Commentary with Special Effects Team
    ■Production Archives: Storyboards, Models, Photographs, Design Sketches and Conceptual Drawings
    ■Deleted Scenes
    ■Theatrical Trailers

    ■The Making Of Jurassic Park
    ■Early Pre-Production Meetings
    ■Location Scoutings
    ■Phil Tippet Animatics Raptors In the Kitchen
    ■Foley Artists
    ■Theatrical Trailers
    ■Dinosaur Encyclopedia
    ■Production Photographs
    ■Production Notes
    ■Talent Profiles
    ■The Making Of The Lost World: Jurassic Park
    ■Deleted Scenes
    ■Jurassic Park Theatrical Trailer
    ■The Lost World Theatrical Trailer
    ■Jurassic Park III Theatrical Trailer
    ■Marketing: Posters & Toys
    ■Industrial Light & Magic
    ■The World of Jurassic Park
    ■Illustrations & conceptual drawings
    ■The Making of Jurassic Park III
    ■News Dinosaurs of Jurassic Park III
    ■Tour of the Stan Winston Studio
    ■A Visit to ILM (include concepts/ process/ muscle/ simulation/ compositing)
    ■Montana: finding New Dinosaurs
    ■Behind-the-Scenes (Spinosaurus Attacks the Plane/ Raptors Attack Udesky/ The Lake​)
    ■Storyboards to final feature comparison (Lake/ The Aviary​/ Boat Attack)
    ■Jurassic Park III Archives (Production Photographs & Poster Gallery)
    ■DVD ROM Features
    ■Dinosaur Turntables
    ■Feature Commentary
    ■Jurassic Park Trailer
    ■The Lost World Trailer
    ■Jurassic Park III Trailer


    From Academy Award-winning filmmaker Steven Spielberg, the Jurassic Park Ultimate Trilogy is one of the most successful film franchises in worldwide box-office history. On a remote tropical island, an amazing living theme park becomes a game of survival for humans foolhardy enough to set foot on it. Meticulously recreated dinosaurs spring to astonishing life as the film’s breathtaking special effects and thrilling action sequences keep audiences on the edge of their seats. Each chapter of the history-making saga delivers even more action and spectacular visual effects than its predecessor, as nature’s ultimate killing machines once again rule the earth. Almost 20 years after its inception, the Jurassic Park Trilogy remains an unmatched cinematic experience.

    Jurassic Park

    A multimillionaire (Richard Attenborough) unveils a new theme park where visitors can observe dinosaurs cloned using advanced DNA technology. But when an employee tampers with the security system, the dinosaurs escape, forcing the visitors to fight for their survival. Sam Neill, Jeff Goldblum and Laura Dern star in this thrilling, action-packed blockbuster from acclaimed director Steven Spielberg and based on the novel by Michael Crichton.

    The Lost World: Jurassic Park

    Four years after Jurassic Park’s genetically bred dinosaurs ran amok, multimillionaire John Hammond (Richard Attenborough) shocks chaos theorist Ian Malcolm (Jeff Goldblum) by revealing that Hammond has been breeding more beasties at a secret location. Malcolm, his paleontologist ladylove (Julianne Moore) and a wildlife videographer (Vince Vaughn) join an expedition to document the lethal lizards’ natural behavior in this action-packed thriller.

    Jurassic Park III

    In need of funds for research, Dr. Alan Grant (Sam Neill) accepts a large sum of money to accompany Paul and Amanda Kirby (William H. Macy and Tea Leoni) on an aerial tour of the infamous Isla Sorna. It isn’t long before all hell breaks loose and the stranded wayfarers must fight for survival as a host of new — and even more deadly — dinosaurs try to make snacks of them. Laura Dern, Michael Jeter​, Alessandro Nivola and Trevor Morgan co-star.


    Join the conversation on Facebook: www.facebook.com/jurassicpark


    Street Date: October 24, 2011

    Releasing on: Blu-ray Trilogy & Digital Copy RRP £49.99

    Limited Collector’s Edition £59.99

    Ultimate Collector’s Gift Set £89.99

    Copyright: 2011 Universal Pictures International Entertainment

    Selection Number:

    Layers: BD-50

    Aspect Ratio: Widescreen, 1.85:1

    Rating: PG-13

    Languages/Subtitles: English SDH, Spanish and French Subtitles

    Sound: English DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, French 2.0, English SDH, Spanish Subtitles

    Run Time: Jurassic Park – 2 hours, 7 minutes

    The Lost World: Jurassic Park – 2 hours, 9 minutes

    Jurassic Park III – 1 hour, 33 minutes


    Street Date: October 24, 2011

    Copyright: 2011 Universal Pictures International Entertainment

    Selection Number: 61114696

    Layers: Dual

    Aspect Ratio: Anamorphic Widescreen 1.85:1

    Rating: PG-13

    Languages/Subtitles: English SDH, French & Spanish

    Sound: English, French & Spanish Dolby Digital 5.1

    Run Time: Jurassic Park – 2 hours, 7 minutes

    The Lost World: Jurassic Park – 2 hours, 9 minutes

    Jurassic Park III – 1 hour, 33 minutes

    Jurassic Park

    Directed By: Steven Spielberg

    Produced By: Kathleen Kennedy and Gerald R. Molen

    Screenplay By: Michael Crichton and David Koepp

    Based on the Novel By: Michael Crichton

    Director of Photography: Dean Cundey

    Production Designer: Rick Carter

    Film Edited By: Michael Kahn, ACE

    Music By: John Williams

    Live Action Dinosaurs: Stan Winston

    Full Motion Dinosaurs By: Dennis Muren, ASC

    Special Dinosaur Effects: Michael Lantieri

    Dinosaur Supervisor: Phil Tippett

    Special Visual Effects: Industrial Light & Magic

    Cast: Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Jeff Goldblum, Richard Attenborough, Bob Peck, Martin Ferrero, B.D. Wong, Samuel L. Jackson, Wayne Knight​, Joseph Mazzello, Ariana Richards

    The Lost World: Jurassic Park

    Directed By: Steven Spielberg

    Produced By: Gerald R. Molen and Colin Wilson

    Screenplay By: David Koepp

    Based on the Novel “The Lost World” By: Michael Crichton

    Executive Producer: Kathleen Kennedy

    Director of Photography: Janusz Kaminski, ASC

    Production Designer: Rick Carter

    Film Editor: Michael Kahn, ACE

    Music By: John Williams

    Live Action Dinosaurs: Stan Winston

    Full Motion Dinosaurs By: Dennis Muren, ASC

    Special Dinosaur Effects: Michael Lantieri

    Special Visual Effects: Industrial Light & Magic

    Cast: Jeff Goldblum, Julianne Moore, Pete Postlethwaite​, Arliss Howard

    Jurassic Park III

    Directed By: Joe Johnston

    Produced By: Kathleen Kennedy, Larry Franco

    Written By: Peter Buchman and Alexander Payne & Jim Taylor

    Based on Characters Created By: Michael Crichton

    Executive Producer: Steven Spielberg

    Director of Photography: Shelly Johnson, ASC

    Production Designer: Ed Verreaux

    Editor: Robert Dalva

    New Music By: Don Davis

    Original Themes By: John Williams

    Live Action Dinosaurs: Stan Winston Studio

    Animation and Special Visual Effects By: Industrial Light & Magic

    Cast: Sam Neill, William H. Macy, Tea Leoni, Alessandro Nivola, Trevor Morgan, Michael Jeter
  19. Rooky

    Rooky Lähes henkilökuntaa Tukijoukot

    3 723
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Kyllähän tuo steelcase ensimmäisten arvostelujen jälkeen joutaa tilattavaksi :thumbsup:
  20. Apinamakina

    Apinamakina Tuttu käyttäjä

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Ja myös saksalaisessa julkaisussa on suomenkieliset tekstitykset, kuten siinä wooden box-editionissa.