Masters of Cinema (Eureka) series

Keskustelu osiossa 'Blu-ray & UHD -leffat' , aloittajana Leterface, 17.07.2012.

  1. Leterface

    Leterface Lähes henkilökuntaa

    5 057
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Kun tuo Criterion collection ketjukin löytyy foorumista niin on typerää ettei meidän B-alueemme vastaavaa sarjaa löydy foorumilta, joten nyt on.

    Tästä voi nähdä mitä sarjassa on julkaistu sekä BD:llä että DVD:llä: MoC-ketju jota "isännöi" Eurekan oma Kevin:

    Kannattaa useimmiten tilata MoC BD:t suoraan Eurekalta, sillä heillä ne ovat usein halvimpia ja toimitus on nopea:
    Viimeksi muokattu: 18.07.2012
  2. Leterface

    Leterface Lähes henkilökuntaa

    5 057
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Mitä MoC leffoja te omistatte? Itseltäni löytyy: Sunrise, City Girl, Metropolis (steelbook), M, Touch of Evil (steelbook), Double Indemnity ja Lifeboat (steelbook) sekä tilauksessa Dr. Mabuse, Passion of Joanne d'arch, sekä Floating Weeds..ja kohta lisää on pakko taas hankkia..
    Viimeksi muokattu: 18.09.2012
  3. VeZius

    VeZius Vakiokasvo

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Hyvä idea. :) Itse tuli aikoinaan avattua tuo Criterion ketju, mutta ei sitten ole tullut hommattua yhtään julkaisua kun aivan viime aikoina, kun lopultakin sai region free soittimen. Harmi että tämän takia kerkesin missaamaan The Man Who Fell to Earth julkaisun. Jos kellään ylimäärästä, nii myykää minulle. ;)

    Omat MoC BD:t.

    1. Sunrise
    5. For All Man Kind
    9. M
    11. Vengeance is Mine
    14. Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter?
    16. Metropolis (steelbook)
    20. Harakiri
    23. Silent Running (steelbook)
    25. Touch of Evil (steelbook)
    26. Two-Lane Blacktop (steelbook)
    27. Repo Man (steelbook)
    28. Le Silence De La Mer
    30. Lifeboat (steelbook)
    32. Island of Lost Souls (steelbook)
    44. Double Indemnity (steelbook)
    45. The Lost Weekend (steelbook)

    Sitten vielä Eurekan muita julkaisuja: Bad Boy Bubby, Paranoiac, Shogun Assassin (steelbook) sekä Wizards.

    Tässä sarjassa vois ehkä olla mahkuja hommata kaikki julkaisut.
  4. Leterface

    Leterface Lähes henkilökuntaa

    5 057
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    The Testament of Dr. Mabuse (Fritz Lang 1933) arvostelu kertoo että tässä on 52 sivuinen kirjanen mukana mutta vain yhdellä kommenttiraidalla, tosin tärkein, itse leffa on 2-tuntiseksi runsasbittinen (34.99 Mbps) ja lisänä niinkuin ylensä MoC-leffoissa DVD-versio leffasta.

    Tuli muuten toissapäivänä katsottua Langin Scarlet Street (Kino Lorber USA) ja kyllä täytyy taas ylistää tämän neron elokuvia, ei malttaisi odottaa vielä kun on viikko julkaisuun..

    Viimeksi muokattu: 24.09.2012
  5. Leterface

    Leterface Lähes henkilökuntaa

    5 057
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  6. Leterface

    Leterface Lähes henkilökuntaa

    5 057
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Tässä mielenkiintoinen pitkä kirjoitus sekä Die Nibelungenin- että historia-fanilta:

    Even more so than Lang'sMetropolis, what is noteable aboutDie Nibelungen*is the strength of the performances and the incredible detail of the sets and costuming.*

    Margarete Schon as Kriemhild is fantastic. In*Kriemhild's Revenge, her body movements, facial expressions, and Lang's frequent focus on her eyes, convey the remorseless nature of her all consuming thirst for vengance. It has to be one of the most fierce performances in any film I have seen.

    Rudolf Klein-Rogge gives an energetic portrayal of Attila, Lord of the Huns. He is almost unrecognizable in his make-up and costuming; it was only by his name that I knew this was the same actor who played Rotwang the Inventor inMetropolis. He had to have been one of the greatest character performers in German cinema.

    I am an avid history buff and one of my favorite periods to study is that in which*Die Nibelungen*takes place - the decline of the Western Roman Empire and the rise of the Germanic states in Europe. I thought it might be helpful to write a bit about this period to better give context to the legend and Lang's epic film. I have spoilered part of it in order to take up less posting space.*

    The story of the Nibelungen is an interesting mixture of legend, fantasy, and actual history; Lang captures this in his movie. The mountains and the great dark forests are like realms out of a Grimm's fairy tale, forbidding places filled with dwarves and monsters, magical devices and secret treasures. The Norse and Germanic mythic elements – some of which are recognizable from their incorporation by Tolkien into his Middle Earth - are just over the horizon from the real world of history. The two worlds – fantasy and reality - exist side-by-side. So Siegfried bathes in the blood of a slain dragon, possesses a magic cloak and a legendary sword, and seeks the hand of the sister of the King of the Burgundians, an actual historic Germanic people who inhabit lands that once belonged to the Roman Empire.*

    Die Nibelungen*is set around 450 AD, at a time when the Western Roman Empire is in terminal decline due to decades of civil war and usurpation. More than a century earlier, Rome had split into two halves, each ruled by its own emperor. The two emperors, who were often related, were supposed to cooperate and rule jointly, but the western half of the empire suffered terribly from weak emperors, pretenders, rogue generals, and constant pressure from Germans attempting to migrate into the empire. Roman generals used their soldiers to fight each other for power and imperial favor, sometimes even scheming for the throne itself in Ravenna. This resulted in frequently stripping the border of the mobile defense forces designed to prevent incursions.*

    Shortly after 400 AD, the western border of the Roman Empire, held for hundreds of years along the Rhine, collapsed under the weight of the Germans pressing against it. Over the ensuing decades, multiple German people groupings migrated into Roman territory and took possession of large sections of imperial provinces to form their own kingdoms. The loss of provinces and their tax base meant the western empire could not raise funds to pay for enough soldiers to evict all these invaders and had to adapt to accommodate them. Often these kingdoms became allies of Rome; they were still in awe of the great Romans, adapting many of their bureaucratic structures and imperial functions as their own. They helped the emperor fight other Germans and Roman challengers, and were frequently rewarded with imperial offices and even more land as payment for services rendered.*

    The main reason for the population migrations inside Germany and central Europe, and the resulting increased pressures and instability on the Roman borders that overturned centuries of status quo, was the coming of the Huns. They were a people out of the steppes east of the Black Sea, horse warriors who arrived on the edges of Europe and the historic lands of the Germans beginning around 370 AD. There had always been horse warriors threatening the eastern fringes of the German lands, but the Huns were something different. Something far more deadly than anything that had come before them.They were a mixture of tribes and other conquered steppe peoples who had been absorbed, and they possessed a military technological advantage that changed the course of history. That technology was the Hunnish bow, a compound weapon designed with one end longer than the other, so that it could be fired quickly and very accurately from horseback with such penetrating power that no armor could stand up to the force it imparted to arrows. The Huns defeated and subdued every German force they encountered during their drive into Europe. Many German people groupings elected to migrate rather than become vassals of this new power.*

    Over the next half century, the Huns made their way onto the great Hungarian plain and established a new homeland there. They built an empire based on the vassalage of many German people groupings in Central Europe; this is why in*Die Nibelungen*there are German lords serving the Huns, who refer to Attila as the Lord of the Earth. Attila himself inherited and ruthlessly expanded the Hunnic Empire, and became the most famous of the Hun lords. He continued the practice he inherited from his predecessors of demanding tribute from the Romans not to raid their lands. The Hun lords spread the resulting Roman payments among their German vassals to ensure their continued loyalty. Any who defied Attila were subjected to invasion and raiding.*

    Normally a horse warrior society lacks the means of taking walled cities. Despite the battlefield advantages of the Hunnish bow, the Huns were in reality a raiding people. What made them so powerful, and such a lethal threat to the Romans, was their German vassals who had large numbers of warriors and knew how to build siege engines and take walled cities (a technique the Germans had themselves learned from the Romans from centuries of contact). In the end, a few years after the events in*Die Nibelungen, Attila died in 453, and the Hunnic empire fell apart within a single year as infighting broke out among Attila’s successors. The German kingdoms revolted, having learned from serving the Huns in war how to defeat them and their bow (such as forming shield walls from much stronger shields and improving their own archery). Before long, many of the remaining Huns and their families were seeking asylum in the Eastern Roman Empire from the power of the new German kingdoms. Settled on lands granted by the Romans, subsequent generations of Huns served loyally in the armies of the emperors. Other Hun groups broke apart and scattered across Eastern Europe. All of them were eventually absorbed into regional populations to vanish from the historical record.

    This traumatic time of upheaval and migration, of battles lost, of the conquest and destruction of German peoples by the Huns, of new kingdoms forming on former Roman lands, of the eventual revolt of the Germans against the Huns and the reconquest and redistribution of lands, all gave rise to legends and myth passed down through time in Germanic folklore, of which*Die Nibelungen*is one of the most famous tales of Teutonic morality, heroism, and triumph._________________________________________Last edited by oildude; Yesterday at*06:38 PM.
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    Viimeksi muokattu: 19.11.2012
  7. Mikkeli13

    Mikkeli13 Vakiokasvo

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Omat MoC/Eureka elokuvat on kaikki toistaiseksi Steelbook-julkaisuja, hankintalistalla on toki muitakin.

    #16 Metropolis
    #23 Silent Running
    #25 Touch of Evil
    #26 Two-Lane Blacktop
    #27 Repo Man
    #30 Lifeboat
    #32 Island of Lost Souls
    #34 Cleopatra
    #44 Double Indemnity
    #45 The Lost Weekend

    Matkalla on:

    #42 Rumble Fish
    #43 Das Testament Des Dr Mabuse
    #50 The Passion of Joan of Arc

    Lisäksi sarjan ulkopuolelta löytyy tuo Shogun Assassin.
    Viimeksi muokattu: 19.11.2012
  8. hansolo

    hansolo Lähes henkilökuntaa

    4 866
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Eurekan setti sisältää muistaakseni kolme versiota elokuvasta sekä lisäksi 4:3 että 1.85:1 versiot. Miten ne on toteutettu eri levyille?
    Viimeksi muokattu: 20.11.2012
  9. Leterface

    Leterface Lähes henkilökuntaa

    5 057
    Saadut tykkäykset:
  10. Leterface

    Leterface Lähes henkilökuntaa

    5 057
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Disc 1:
    •1998 Reconstruction 1.37:1 & 1.85:1 aspect ratios
    •Commentary with Rick Schmidlin (1.85:1 Version) (2008)
    •Commentary with Charlton Heston, Janet Leigh, & Rick Schmidlin (1.37:1 version) (2009)
    •Bringing Evil to Life (1.33:1; 480i/60; 00:21:00) – Janet Leigh, Charlton Heston and others reminisce about working on Touch of Evil with Orson Welles in this DVD-era featurette.
    •Evil Lost and Found (1.33:1; 480i/60; 00:17:06) – Another DVD-era featurette in which Heston, Leigh and others discuss the troubles with the studio and the reworking of Touch of Evil.
    •Original Theatrical Trailer (1.37:1; 480i/60)

    Disc 2:
    •1958 Theatrical Version 1.37:1 & 1.85:1 aspect ratios
    •1958 Preview Version 1.85:1
    •Commentary with F.X. Feeney (1958 Theatrical Version) (2008)
    •Commentary with James Naremore & Jonathan Rosenbaum (1958 Preview Version) (2008)
  11. Leterface

    Leterface Lähes henkilökuntaa

    5 057
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  12. claude

    claude Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 082
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Hutista ja Zavvista voi parhaillaan ennakkotilata koodilla PREBR10 MoCin kevätkauden julkaisuja hintaan £11.66.

    Noita on jokunen:

    Fear and Desire
    The Blue Angel
    City of Women (La città delle donne)
    La poison
    The Murderer Lives at 21 (L'assassin habite au 21)
    Bakumatsu Taiyô-Den
    La notte
  13. Fakiiri

    Fakiiri Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 463
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Kaikki muut näistä on nyt julkaistu, paitsi L'assassin habite au 21 on tulossa toukokuussa ja La notte vasta syksymmällä. La notten myyntiteksti "New 1080p presentation of the film in its original 1.66:1 aspect ratio with previously censored sequences restored for the first time" ei myöskään pidä paikkaansa, sillä kohtaukset olivat jo saman firman 2008 julkaistulla DVD:llä. Oikeastaan luulen, että sama kuva löytyisi myös Atlanticin Suomi-DVD:ltä, mutta tuohon ei ole uskaltanut koskea edes pitkällä tikulla, kun takakannessa kuvasuhteeksi ilmoitetaan 4:3.
  14. Leterface

    Leterface Lähes henkilökuntaa

    5 057
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Eurekan Facebook sivulta:

    Eureka! Entertainment and The Masters of Cinema Series are delighted to announce the Halloween 2013 theatrical and home video releases of an eagerly awaited new restoration of F. W. Murnau's legendary silent cinema horror classic Nosferatu: A Symphony of Horror (1919), expertly restored in Germany by the world-renowned Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung (FWMS).*

    This revival of a horror classic, of the most famous of all silent films, follows Eureka! Entertainment's hugely successful restoration showcases of Fritz Lang's Metropolis (1927) in 2010 and Carl Theodor Dreyer's The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928) in 2012.*

    Nosferatu's UK theatrical run will be co-ordinated by Eureka! Entertainment and will open in selected cinemas nationwide on Friday October 25, 2013, just in time for Halloween. Blu-ray and DVD releases will follow with a raft of special features to be announced nearer the release date, as part of Eureka! Entertainment's award-winning The Masters of Cinema Series.

    They have posted on Twitter that this will be available as a steelbook, though that's hardly surprising!
  15. lator

    lator Guest Guest

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Loistava uutinen! Mietinkin hiljattain että kelpaisi Blu-ray tasoinen julkaisu kyseisestä klassikosta.
  16. Leterface

    Leterface Lähes henkilökuntaa

    5 057
    Saadut tykkäykset:
  17. Leterface

    Leterface Lähes henkilökuntaa

    5 057
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  18. Leterface

    Leterface Lähes henkilökuntaa

    5 057
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Eurekalla on kolmas erikoistarjous päivä, joka päivä uusi MoC-BD £7,99 (ei postikuluja). Tänään tarjouksessa Insect Woman. Tarjouksessa aiemmin olleita: Lost Weekend ja Rumble Fish.
  19. Leterface

    Leterface Lähes henkilökuntaa

    5 057
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Jaahas, tarjouksia tuleekin usempiakin päivässä, tällä hetkellä Die Nibelungen £7.99 ja Une Femme Mariee £6.99.
  20. VeZius

    VeZius Vakiokasvo

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Insect Woman oli eilisen tarjous, mutta tarjous vaihtuu vasta joskus puolen päivän jälkeen, joten alkupäivästä vielä näkyi tuo eilisen tarjous.