Babylon 5:n paluu?

Keskustelu osiossa 'TV-ohjelmat ja -sarjat' , aloittajana tnjrp, 02.12.2003.

  1. JTX

    JTX Lähes henkilökuntaa

    5 794
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    JMS kirjoittelee filmiteollisuuden omituisesta maailmasta. Mielenkiintoinen viesti, ja voitaneen sanoa että B5:n tai minkä tahansa JMS:n tv-projektin mahdollisuudet toteutua ovat tätä nykyä entistä hurjasti suuremmat.

    Nyt kun vielä saataisiin J. Whedonille samanlainen "status"...
  2. xclone

    xclone Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 623
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Tietysti se vaara on olemassa että mies siirtyy tekemään elokuva kässäreitä pelkästään ja joskus jopa ohjaamaan ison budjetin leffoja:D ja sitten ei ole enään aikaa esim mahdolliselle B5 sarjalle jota olen tässä kaivaillut ties kuin kauan jo.

    Viimeisten viestien perusteella ja eri elokuva aiheisten sivujen mukaan ison budjetin elokuvia on tulossa enemmänkin tulevaisuudessa jms:ltä eri studioille. Nyt vain odotellaan jonkin aikaa virallisia julkistuksia.

    Mutta ei tässä B5 rintamalla mitään hätää ole sillä käsittääkseni noita Babylon 5 Lost tales sarjan julkaisuja tulee olemaan useampia ettei se kumminkaan jää tuohon yhteen DVD julkaisuun ellei myyntimäärät sitten kuse urakalla etc...

    Ja jos olen oikein käsittänyt niin tuo Lost Tales ei tule olemaan ainoa B5 julkaisu sarja vaan tulossa on kenties mini-sarjaa ja tv elokuvia. Luultavasti teatteri elokuvakin tehdään 2-3 vuoden sisällä ainakin toivonmukaan sillä alkuperäis sarjan näyttelijät eivät ole enään mitään "kakskymppisiä" ja aika on jo monesta jättänyt.

    Ja itse veikkaan että tuleva kanava joka esittää noita Lost Tales juttuja on joko CW tai Scifi channel.
  3. xclone

    xclone Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 623
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Virallista vahvistusta siihen että sarjan alkuperäisiä näyttelijöitä on mukana tuossa Anthology systeemissä.

    From J. Michael Straczynski
    As many of you may already know, a few days ago as I write this, I canceled all of my convention appearances through February of next year due to the press of work, both in terms of finishing up work on my script for Ron Howard, and in order to free up room to begin the process of writing, producing, and directing the first in what we hope will be a series of new Babylon 5 anthology episodes for DVD.

    The other result of this is that we are going to push back volume nine just far enough to make room for me to get these projects up and on the rails. It will not be much of a delay, it will be a September release, but the Babylon 5 scripts team and I wanted to make sure everyone knew about the delay, and that it is only a delay.

    The good thing is that the delay is caused primarily by the creation of new Babylon 5 episodes, to be produced with the original cast, which is a cause for celebration on every level imaginable. We hope to follow up this with another announcement with the September publication date for volume nine as quickly as possible, so stay tuned, for as they say in the television business...there is more to come.
  4. xclone

    xclone Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 623
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    JMS ohjaa vain ensimmäisen jakson ja antaa tulevissa jaksoissa muiden hoitaa homman kotiin. Luulisin että parempi näin vaikka ei JMS:än Sleeping in light jaksossa ollut mitään vikaa.. päinvastoin. Mutta PRO director on aina yees.

    Jan wrote:
    > JMS,

    > Back when B5 was being made, you seemed pretty indifferent to ever directing but
    > you directed Sleeping in Light, seemingly at the urging of WB. At the time you
    > didn't seem to have fallen in love with being a director even though SiL was
    > just perfect (IMO, but also many other folks).

    > Last month you announced that you told WB that you wanted to direct the Lost
    > Tales. I just wondered what might have changed your mind about it?

    I directed SIL because...well, I really kind of had to, in order to get
    that one last note out just the way I wanted it. I've had no desire to
    do any directing since (though I did a little uncredited second-unit
    directing on Jeremiah when we ran short of people.)

    I'm doing this first one for B5:TLT because it's going to be something
    of a redesign in how we shoot B5, nothing major, just the feeling of
    the shots and the CGI and to set a tone for the films. It's six years
    after B5, and there are a number of tools available to us now that
    weren't available then, there's been more openness and experimentation
    in television directing, and I'd like to explore those in the capacity
    of someone who is also kind of the caretaker of that universe to set
    the tone for future installments.

    Once that's done, and the tone is set, I'll probably pull back again
    and let others pick it up. Again, I have no real desire to direct,
    just to set the tone as it impacts the story.

  5. xclone

    xclone Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 623
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Luvassa kauan kaivattua TELEPAATTI SOTAA !

    Nämä on jo ilmoitettu osakseen tässä threadissä aikaisemmin mainitussa Comic-conissa mutta nyt hieman tarkennettuna versiona. Lähteenä edelleen JMSNEWS.COM !

    Ja LOTR:in kohtalona ei ollutkaan huonot katsojaluvut vaan sarjan omistus suhteet. Ainakin JMS:än mukaan.

    Q: My question is, there is still a great big gaping hole in the Babylon 5 story. Will we ever see anything of the Telepath War?

    JMS: As I’m laying out these DVDs I’m thinking “We can do this story with Sheridan, this story with so-and-so, this story…ooh, Lyta…the Telepath War. So I’m starting to play with that for down the road. Here’s the deal, if these first DVDs sell well, if the broadcast get good ratings, these will be an ongoing thing. We will keep putting out ‘The Lost Tales’ and broadening that out until we’ve got ten thousand of them, whatever it is. If you want to get to the Telepath Wars, get the first ones. Eventually we do plan to get to that, yeah. Or I plan to get to that anyway.

    Q: Babylon 5: The Lost Tales. Thanks you first of all. Any chance of Ivanova?

    JMS: Who can say? Who can say?

    Q: You trust them? After Crusade, after Rangers, you believe them?

    JMS: Warner’s has never actually lied. What happened with TNT and Crusade was a different situation where they said, after we started making the show, they said they weren’t getting a new audience with science fiction and they wanted to get out of the deal at TNT. Which is a different division over here and they set about to sabotage the show. And then Rangers was a good show and Sci-Fi would’ve picked it up except that it wasn’t owned by Universal, it was owned by Warner Bros. and the deal was not something they wanted to get into. But Warner’s themselves have always been very stand-up. With B5 itself, starting with episode 2 of year 2, they never gave us any notes. They just brought in the guy who’d been our liaison on B5 the series, a guy named Greg Maday, to be our liaison on this as well. Greg’s a great guy, he’s a former Jesuit student, a scholar. Seriously, he’s a really smart guy and understands story and he’s coming back to be our liaison. Very smart guy. So Warner’s, yeah, I do trust them. They actually have kept their promises to me. The contract negotiation was a different scenario but that’s just business. Creatively they’ve been great.

    Q: Just curious, what actors have already consented to going into these Babylon stories?

    JMS: We just now got the green light about a week and a half ago so we haven’t gone to the actors to make deals yet. We’re going to be in that process starting about ten days from now and see who’s available, what kind of deals can we make, who wants to do it, what the story is, that sort of thing. So once we have determined that we’ll know which ones we’re going to use.
  6. xclone

    xclone Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 623
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Ensimmäisen DVD julkaisun nimi on Voices in the Dark :thumbsup:

    Title: B5:TLT update from jms
    Date: 3 Oct 2006 00:17:35 -0700
    Message-ID: <1159859855.840954.223860@h48g2000cwc.googlegroups. com>

    I'm kind of up against it right now on an assortment of deadlines, so
    this'll be quick, but I did want to address some of the questions that
    have been asked.

    Yes, we're shooting this HD, so this is going to be quite a learning
    curve for me as a director, since I've never shot HD before. There's
    also a HUGE amount of green-screen involved, so again, lots of learning
    to be done.

    For those who are getting the B5 scripts books -- and eventually the
    B5:TLT scripts will be released -- you'll notice a substantial
    difference between them and these scripts in that I decided to kind of
    direct them on the page more than usual: calling out specific angles
    and camera directions, locations and setups more than in any prior B5
    script. It probably resembles an animation script more than a standard
    TV script, because it incorporates my directorial notes, shot for shot,
    as we go.

    The first three-segment DVD is called "Voices in the Dark." We've
    narrowed down the cast, and hope to have their deals closed this week.
    There are already ten crew members working on this thing up in
    Vancouver, pulling together stages, offices and other prep work. The
    first day of shooting will likely be either November 13th or 14th (due
    to a Canadian holiday). The last twiddlings to the script should be
    done by this coming Monday. Storyboarding starts the end of this week.

    It's balls-to-the-wall right now, but it should be fun in the end.


    message content (c) 2006
    synthetic worlds, ltd.
    permission to reprint
    specifically denied to
    SFX Magazine
  7. xclone

    xclone Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 623
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    3 jakson sijasta tuleekin 2 jaksoa ja kestona 45 minuuttia per jakso. Luonnollisesti budjetti 2 jaksolle on siten isompi.

    Ilmeisesti Eka jakso koskee Sheridania ja toinen Lochleytä. Kolmas jakso rakentuisi siis Galenin ja Garibaldin ympärille mutta on visuaalisesti ja teknillisesti haastavin joten jakso tehdään ilmeisesti näiden jälkeen ja mahdollisesti toiseen DVD julkaisuun. Mikäli oikein tulkitsin tuosta tekstistä.

    Mutta kaikkein tärkeintä on että tätä nyt aletaan OIKEASTI tekemään eikä sitä pelättyä CANSELLAUSTA tullut.

    :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :cool:

    Well, tomorrow I head back to LA for meetings on other projects for two
    days, then it's back to Vancouver again on Sunday to continue prep. So
    far everything's laying out very cleanly. We have an EFX house on
    board now, which was the last big step to be undertaken. It wasn't
    until the last day or so that we could really get into the CGI issues,
    which are huge on these stories.

    And in regard to that...the initial goal was to try and do three big
    stories in one DVD. So I wrote three scripts, featuring Sheridan,
    Lochley, Galen and Garibaldi. (I wanted to focus on the human
    characters initially so we'd have more time for prosthetics R&D for the
    next one.) The stories, as noted previously, were huge...all over the
    map, from Minbar, to Earth, Mars, the future, the distant past, as well
    as B5 itself obviously. We're also going to be trying some new
    production technologies, again trying to stay ahead of the tech curve,
    the way B5 has always stayed ahead on these things.

    And over the last few days, as we began to bring on crew and lay out
    the production, looking at just how complicated these mini-movies were
    going to be, the idea of making three of these monsters began to become
    a bit much for us to pull off on out first time out the gate,
    especially since I'm still kind of new as a director. So we decided to
    postpone one of the three to the next DVD, and lengthen the other two
    to make up the difference. GIven that the Garibaldi story was the most
    complicated visually and technically, also the most difficult from a
    CGi perspective, that's the one that got pushed until, potentially,
    next time.

    And if the sales are anywhere near what WB expects, and I think they
    will be, there's no question that there will be more of these down the
    road. So we're gong to focus in on those two stories and knock them
    out of the park. Same length, same running time, and now even bigger
    than at first anticipated since the budget on number three will now be
    applied to the other two.

    Part of what we're doing is to re-think the look of B5 to some degree.
    The show was created using 1993 technology, video toasters and amigas,
    and was to some extent limited by the paradigms and production methods
    we used in that. But it's now 13 years later, and while I will keep
    the feel of the show the same, and the silhouettes and designs, there's
    no reason to limit the look of the feel to what we could do six years
    ago (from when we stopped). So we're going to invest a lot of time,
    effort and money into really re-imagining some of the visuals at the
    present level -- looking at shows like Battlestar and the like -- and
    bringing those tools into B5 while still maintaining the feel of the

    I also managed to work in a nice nod to Andreas and Richard in the two

    So with that...the team is now in place, the last personnel have been
    hired, and as soon as I get back to Vancouver, I get to take off the
    producer's hat and put on the director's hat.


    message content (c) 2006
    synthetic worlds, ltd.
    permission to reprint
    specifically denied to
    SFX Magazine
  8. The_Daywalker

    The_Daywalker Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 003
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Kuulostaa hyvältä :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  9. xclone

    xclone Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 623
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    :naminami: Eka jakso rakentuu sittenkin Sheridanin, Lochleyn ja Galenin ympärille. Olisivat vaikka laittaneet Ivanovan tuon Lochleyn tilalle...

    Lost Tales Productions Inc.
    Exec. Prods: Douglas Netter
    J. Michael Straczynski
    Producer: Samm Barnes
    Line Producer: Lisa Towers
    Director: J. Michael Straczynski
    DOP: Karl Herrmann
    PD: Jill Scott
    PM: Lynne Bespflug
    PC: Fawn McDonald
    Cast: Bruce Boxleitner,
    Tracy Scoggins,
    Peter Woodward
    Casting: Candice Elzinga
    Sched: Nov 13 - Nov 24/06
  10. The_Daywalker

    The_Daywalker Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 003
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Virallinen nimi: Babylon 5: The Lost Tales

    Hieman tietoa:
    Warner Home Video (WHV) and Warner Bros. Television (WBTV) have announced the start of production of Babylon 5: The Lost Tales, a made-for-video movie that will be targeted towards the "Babylon 5" loyal audience and science-fiction fans in general. The announcement was jointly made by Jeff Brown, Senior Vice President and General Manager, Non-theatrical Franchise, Warner Home Video and Gregg Maday, Senior Vice President, Movies and Miniseries, WBTV.

    WHV will be the home entertainment distributor for this made-for-DVD release which will include two new "Babylon 5" stories collectively entitled "Voices of the Dark" in one film plus exclusive behind the scenes content. The stories will be written and directed by executive producer and original "Babylon 5" creator J. Michael Straczynski. Executive producer Doug Netter also returns in that role. Actors from the original series that have signed on to participate in the project include Bruce Boxleitner (President John Sheridan), Tracy Scoggins (Captain Elizabeth Lochley) and Peter Woodward (Galen).

    "Babylon 5" is a top selling franchise on DVD to date with over $44 million in consumer sales. Launched in February 1993, the award winning series was a top rated show on television with more than 13.7 million viewers in its debut season. After its original planned five-year run &#8211; introducing the concept of a five year arc before other TV series began to use multi-season arcs -- the show went on to enjoy 9 successful years in syndication and cable on the SCI FI Channel and TNT. It also spurred the creation of five feature length movies based on the series including "The Gathering," "In the Beginning," "Thirdspace," "River of Souls" and "A Call to Arms," as well as the limited series "Crusade."

    "We are very excited to be releasing this new made-for-video release filled with original content for 'Babylon 5,' one of the most successful science fiction series of all time," said Jeff Brown. "This popular TV show which has been off the air for a few years continues to have a strong loyal fan base that is hungry for more content. This is the first time we're utilizing one of our popular TV franchises as a made-for-video title, and we have a strong commitment to the growth of this sector."

    "It's great to be reunited with Joe and Doug once again," commented Maday. "I have always been very proud to be associated with their wonderful work on 'Babylon 5' and I'm confident the 'Lost Tales' will add to the legacy of this very special franchise."

    On an immense space station built by the Earth Alliance in the 2250s, the crew of Babylon 5 are charged with maintaining the peace among the various alien races by providing a sanctuary where grievances and negotiations can be worked out among duly appointed ambassadors. Aside from its diplomatic function, Babylon 5 also serves as a military post for Earth and a port of call for travelers, traders, businessmen, criminals, and Rangers. The story of "The Lost Tales" picks up several years after the events of its original story, and follows several of its major characters in new adventures set against the backdrop of the Babylon 5 universe.

  11. xclone

    xclone Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 623
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Jep jep on vain pienoinen virhe tuossa pressi versiossa. Nimittäin koskee tuota DVD levyjen myyntisummaa jota WARNER BROS tahallaan tai tahattomasti pyöristelee muutamalla sadalla miljoonalla dollarilla alaspäin.

    Keskustelua siitä löytyy monelta B5 saitilta. HALF BILLION DOLLAR alkaa olemaan oikealla tasolla ainakin JMS:än mukaan.

    Muuten ihan kiva virallinen pressi tiedotus.
  12. JTX

    JTX Lähes henkilökuntaa

    5 794
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  13. xclone

    xclone Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 623
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Letistä ja parrasta näkee jo että presidentin roolia Bruce vetää eka jaksossa. meinasin päivällä postata saman kuvan mutta ajattelin että enpäs laitakkaan ja tsekkaan illemmalla että kuka meilaa sen ja arvasin oikein eli MR.JTX :D

    Ei siinä mitään hieno kuva sinänsä vaikka ikä alkaa jo painaa Mr Boxleitnerillä. Eikös tuo ollut BRITTI "FANEILLE" suunnattu kuva? mikäli oikein tulkitsin jmsnews saitilta.
  14. xclone

    xclone Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 623
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Laitan viimeisimmän JMS:än postauksen tänne kun kerran JTX ei sitä postannut :D

    Näyttäis olevan SG-1/Atlantis sarjasta näyttelijöitä mukana.

    Just a quick hello direct from the set of Babylon 5: The Lost Tales.
    It's 4:51 p.m. and we just finished lunch (crew call at 10 a.m. lunch
    at 4). Bruce Boxleitner just completed a series of shots in a
    Starfury, his first time back in the saddle. We're ahead of schedule
    and might actually wrap filming a day early. (It always goes faster if
    you don't actually put film in the camera.) We've introduced a new
    Centauri character -- Prince Regent Vintari, third from the throne -- a
    new ISN reporter played by Teryl Rothery, a priest played by Alan
    Scarfe, and a character who may have come too close to certain dark
    forces played by Bruce Ramsey. Part One of "Voices in the Dark"
    wrapped on Friday, and we should have part two done tomorrow, after a
    long sequence shooting in the hallway of a new Minbari Presidential
    Cruiser built for the Interstellar Alliance.

  15. Jeje2

    Jeje2 Fubar Tukijoukot

    1 419
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  16. xclone

    xclone Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 623
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Babylonin erikoistehosteista vastaa Lost Tales jaksoissa Atmosphere VFX joka tekee myös Battlestar Galactican sarjan kaikki graffat joten hyvältä vaikuttaa tämänkin asian osalta.

    Sheridanin presidentti cruiserin sisävärit on kyllä aika järkyttävät.. Tipunkeltaista ja mustaa, ei oikein komea yhdistelmä. Olisivat suosiolla ottaneet tummat sävyt käyttöön tyyliin BSG.

    Ja tällähetkellä tiedossa on 2 näyttelijää SG-1/Atlantis sarjoista. Toivonmukaan tässä on kaikki keitä palkataan kyseisistä sarjoista sillä B5 ansaitsee oman tyylisensä näyttelijät jottei sarja rupea muistuttamaan SG universumia liikaa. Toki tarinan puolelta tähän ei ole mitään mahdollisuuttakaan sillä JMS on kyllä parempi(fantasia-scifi) kässärin kirjoittaja kun yksikään tähtiportin kirjoittajista.
  17. EcoR1

    EcoR1 Guest Guest

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Pari uutta kuvaa:

    "A new logo for a new beginning on Babylon 5."


    Koskakohan saa nähdä ensimmäistä trailerin tapaista...
  18. xclone

    xclone Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 623
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
  19. trgo

    trgo Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 534
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    CGI ainakin näyttäisi olevan mukavasti päivitettyä, kuten arvata saattoikin. :D
  20. Kristian

    Kristian Lähes henkilökuntaa

    2 779
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Jotenkin näyttää yliterävöitetyltä tuo alempi kuva... Suttuisempi kuin mitä toivoisi...