Babylon 5:n paluu?

Keskustelu osiossa 'TV-ohjelmat ja -sarjat' , aloittajana tnjrp, 02.12.2003.

  1. bronton

    bronton Tuttu käyttäjä Tukijoukot

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Selvisihän se lopulta, että olit ostanut kahdesta eri paikasta.

    Jään kyllä odottelemaan R2:sta.:thumbsup:
  2. Rela

    Rela Guest Guest

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Aika mitään sanomaton oli koko Lost Tales. Lockleyn tarina oli täysin turha. Presidentin tarinassa oli joitain mielenkiintoisia elementtejä, mutta aika vaisuksi kokonaisuus jäi, aivan kuten aikaisemmissakin B5-elokuvissa.
  3. xclone

    xclone Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 623
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    JMS:än tyyliin tässähän keskityttiin hahmojen tarina vetoisuuteen eikä mihinkään CGI kikkailu jaksoon kuten nykypäivänä yleensä eli toisinsanoen tarinaan CGI:n ehdolla. Tämä oli suunnattu tosi faneille, eikä niinkään satunnaisille katsojille. Joten en yhtään ihmettele jos ei uppoa satunnaiselle katsojalle. Ja tosiaan tuo Lochleyn tarina oli huonompi verrattuna ennakko odotuksiin. Itsellä oli hieman kovemmat odotukset koko dvd:lle mutta CGI oli Battlestar Galactican tasoista ja Sheridanin pätkä nykypäivän tv scifi tasoa. Aikomushan on tehdä tv-sarjan kaltaista tuotantoa suoraan dvd:lle eikä hollywood elokuvia.

    Ja kuten JMS maitsi gssocietyn haastattelussa että tämä oli testiprojekti pienellä budjetilla. Ja jos seuraavia tehdään niin rahaa pitää tulla Warnerilta reilusti enemmän että saadaan enemmän vakiocastia + ekstroja mukaan. Lisäksi samalla rahalla on tarkoitus tehdä parempaa FX:ää mahdollisiin julkaisuihin. Jos Warner ei aukaise kukkaron nyörejä enempää niin silloin tätä ei jatketa.

    Mutta jos nämä myyvät tarpeeksi niin on aivan varmaa että rahaa tulee enemmän...
  4. Sabbe

    Sabbe Guest Guest

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Tämä oli vähän pettymys minulle ja olen B5:n "hardcore fani". Ei tämä kuitenkaan erityisen huonokaan ollut, ihan jees kokonaisuus. CGI oli varsin vakuuttavaa vaikka joissain kohtauksissa nyt oli ihan läpinäkyvää tuo, kuitenkin hienoa kamaa pienellä budjetilla. Hahmojen ja taustacastin ym vähyys häiritsi vähän ja tarinat olivat kuitenkin hienon trailerin jälkeen aika mitäänsanomattomia, oikeastaan kaikki tykit kohtaukset olivat lyhyessä trailerissa, eikä ne ollut sitten mitään järisyttävän merkittäviä tässä lyhyessä demonstroinnissa.

    Kutsun tätä nyt nimenomaan demonstroinniksi, koska sitä se oli. Lochleyn tarina oli ihan ok mun mielestä, Sheridanin vähän parempi, mutta tämä oli hyvin pienimuotoista materiaalia ihan B5:n elokuvahistoriankin valossa. Ymmärrän kuitenkin hyvin, että pienellä budjetilla ei ihmeitä tehdä ja siinä mielessä ihan hyvä suoritus. Jos tämä demonstrointi riittää siihen, että rahoittajat innostuu jatkosta vähän innokkaammin, odotan mielenkiinnolla lisää. Jotain vähän suurempaa ja mielenkiintoisempaa ensi kerralla, kiitos.
  5. dixi

    dixi Guest Guest

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Itseäni taas miellytti paljon vaihteeksi hyvin dialogipainotteinen ja pienimuotoinen meininki. Ei aina tarvitse olla massiivista avaruustaistelua, eikä kyllä tuollaisessa puolen tunnin pätkässä ehdi eeppisiä juonikuvioitakaan laatia. Toivottavasti jatkavat sarjaa, jos vaikka seuraavalla kerralla olisi yksi jakso enemmän ja kaikki liittyisivät tiukemmin toisiinsa.
  6. Rela

    Rela Guest Guest

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Tästä enemmänkin tuli mieleen juuri, että on kirjoitettu täysin tyhjänpäiväiset tarinat, että on päästy esittelemään uutta näyttävää CGI:tä rahoittajille ja yleisölle. Lost Tales voisi jonain pilotin tapaisena mennä, mutta elokuvana tuosta ei jäänyt käteen kyllä yhtään mitään. Sarja on kyllä kaksi kertaa tullut katsottua läpi, mutta kaikki B5-elokuvat ovat jääneet kyllä yhteen kertaan Beginningiä lukuun ottamatta. Ilmeisesti JMS tarvitsee pitkän tarinan (=sarja) pystyäkseen kertomaan oikeasti jotain mielenkiintoista.
  7. JaniH

    JaniH Lähes henkilökuntaa Tukijoukot

    6 711
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Juu, eipä tämä ollut kuin pieni demopätkä. Vain muutama hahmo edusti ihan erilaista kulttuuria perinteiseen verrattuna, mikä oli mielestäni heikoin lenkki ja suurin syy vanhan fiiliksen puutteeseen. CGI oli erinomaisen nättiä, Sheridan vetää edelleen hyvin ja jatkuvat viittaukset tuttuihin hahmoihin nostivat kuitenkin mielialaa.
  8. P.Kosunen

    P.Kosunen Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 369
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Scogginsin naama on saanut vähän liikaa puukkoa ja botoxia, se olisi kaivannut rankempaa CGI:tä.
  9. xclone

    xclone Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 623
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Noh onhan Tracy jo 54 vuotias ainakin. Milloinkahan lienee leikellyt kasvojaan? Pistää vaan pahemmin silmään vanhempana jostainsyystä nuo kirurgin veitsellä veistetyt kasvot. Mielummin olisin Ivanovan laittanut tähän tisseineen päivineen mutta kun ei taida onnistua enään kun sillat on jo palanut JMS:än kanssa.
  10. xclone

    xclone Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 623
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Diary videoita:

    Prince Vintari:

    Kenraali Lochley:



    President Sheridan:

    Juu tiedän että tämä Boxleitnerin pätkä ei ole uusi mutta laitoin tänne kun oli kovaa vuodatusta alkuperäisen sarjan lopettamisesta. Muistaakseni pidemmässä versiossa mies mainitsi myös sen että oli suuttunut aikoinaan kun ei päässyt sittenkään vakiokastiksi Crusadeen. Mukaan kuulemma olisi tullut joku toinenkin vakio cästiläinen sarjasta mutta toisin kävi. En nyt tähän hätään löytänyt lähdettä toki saattoi olla jonkun nettisaitin haastattelussakin tämä vuodatus.
  11. xclone

    xclone Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 623
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Spoileritageissa Crusade sarjan teaser kässäri koskien telepaatti Besterin jaksoa. Vieläkin harmittaa ettei tätä jatkettu...

    The Excalibur is waiting outside a space station orbiting Tariff's Colony (a moon). The
    Governor of the colony wants the Excalibur crew to pay a bribe to be allowed on the moon's
    surface. Apparently IPX was allowed down, but only after making special arrangements. Gideon
    strikes a deal with the Governor - they will play a game of poker together. If Gideon wins,
    Excalibur's officers can accompany IPX on the dig for free. If he loses, then they will pay the fee.
    The Governor agrees and ends the call. Matheson says: "You'd better win," to which the captain
    replies, "It's Friday. I never lose on Fridays."

    Down on the planet, Max is working with 5 IPX people on an alien doorway found in a
    mining tunnel. He speaks over the link with Gideon, giving him an update on the status of the dig
    and the translation of the language surrounding the lock. Just a few moments after their
    conversation ends, a large shock wave blasts from the door, knocking everyone off their feet and
    seriously injuring two people. Max quickly calls MedLab for help.

    Act One

    In the MedLab, Dr. Chambers is examining the injured techs while Max is there, asking her
    how long they will be "out of commission." She replies that they're lucky to be alive, then goes on
    to explain that they were hit by a telepathic mind blast, causing a massive stroke. Just then, Lt.
    Matheson enters the room. From the look on his face, he overheard their discussion but says
    nothing; instead, he asks Chambers, "You wanted to see me?"

    She shows him a reconstructed model of the effect of the accident on the patients' brains,
    then asks what he makes of it. He confirms that it is a telepathic attack. Max tells him that
    something behind the door attacked the two people. Matheson examines the screen, and says he
    believes it is a defense system, a telepathic lock. Max asks if he can disarm it and the Lieutenant
    says he will have to take a closer look, and he'll get read to head down. The doctor quizzes
    Matheson about his going planetside when no crew was supposed to go down until the captain
    worked something out. Matheson replies that she's right, but ... "it's Friday, so I expect to hear
    we can come down at any time."

    In a dark bar, the Governor and Gideon are playing poker. Gideon lays down his winning
    hand, and the Governor comments that he's "one lucky son of a bitch, almost too lucky. Telepath
    lucky." He then goes on to explain that they don't like telepaths there and there is only one teep
    on the whole colony. His name is Al and they stay away from him because he is dangerous.

    After an interesting conversation about Gideon's name being biblical, the Governor tells the
    captain that they're free to take their team down to the planet. But he cautions him to be careful.

    In the hallway of the space station, Gideon talks to Matheson over the link. The Lt. explains
    about the injured crew, the telepathic device, and his desire to come down and check out the
    device. After some discussion, Gideon denies his request.

    Down at the archeological site, two shuttles land - Gideon's and Eilerson's. Max walks up to
    Gideon, who is standing in front of the alien doorway. The captain asks Max why Dureena is
    there with him - it turns out she stowed away on the shuttle. After a little lecture on why being a
    thief is harder than being a technomage, she says she's there to pick a lock and asks if they're
    coming. As the three walk towards the artifact, the audience sees a crate of supplies with a
    camera lens visible through a hole. Back on the space station, they are being observed by a thug
    who overheard the whole thing. He leaves to tell his buddies.

    Act Two

    On the Excalibur bridge, Matheson tells Dr. Chambers that he really feels he should be on
    the surface helping. The doctor reminds him of how Gideon is a "hands-on" Captain that won't
    send anyone in harm's way without checking the situation out himself.

    At the archeological site, Dureena examines the lock, then tells Gideon that the schematic of
    the lock's pathways are really feints, dead ends set up to keep people preoccupied until they hit
    the advanced telepathic "land mine." She advises that Matheson come down to take a look.

    On the space station, the thugs have a meeting. They decide there must be something
    valuable at the dig if Earthforce is getting involved, and it really belongs to them. They decide to
    make a plan to get it for themselves.

    Back at the dig, Matheson and Dr. Chambers arrive. Gideon instructs Matheson to scan the
    lock, and the doctor to monitor his readings. He seems to make some progress, but is suddenly
    hit by a mind blast. He reels back a bit, but fights it off, and the doctor pronounces he is okay.
    Matheson then says it is comparable to a telepath rated P10 or higher, and he's only a P6.
    They're obviously going to have to find a P10 or higher telepath. Gideon mentions the governor's
    remark about the only telepath on the colony and that maybe they could find him; however, all
    they have to go on is a name - "Al." They set off to find him.

    Walking down a hallway similar to B5's Down Below section, Matheson tells Gideon he
    should be allowed planetside more often. In this particular case he could have prevented the
    accident at the dig. Gideon goes on to explain that the Excalibur and its mission is more important
    than his own life. When he leaves John in charge, he knows the ship is safe, and he can focus on
    the task at hand. He then goes on to tell John Matheson how much he relies on him.

    Inside an apartment, we see a room with an environmental video of a hearth burning,
    mementos scattered around the room. A voiceover proclaims a judgment being passed, stripping
    the room's owner of all rank and commission, and revoking membership in the Psi Corps. The
    voice goes on to say "You are charged with the innocent slaughter of normal human citizens
    during your previous employment as a member of the Meta Pol."

    The camera moves slightly, showing a pair of feet in black slippers resting on an ottoman, a
    blanket thrown over the legs. The voiceover continues as a judge reads the charges, then asks
    "how do you plead." There is the sound of a loud and angry crowd yelling and cheering. The
    camera pulls back to show "Al" Bester, sitting in a large wingback Victorian chair, his face in the
    shadows. He looks peaceful and serene; he hears himself answer "Not guilty."

    The memories are interrupted by the voices/minds of the Excalibur team approaching his
    apartment. They come to his door and it opens just as Gideon is about to ring the chime. Bester
    greets them by name, saving Matheson for last. The camera closes in "on Matheson's expression
    of recognition and alarm" as he exclaims: "Al ... (beat - horrified) ALFRED BESTER!" Gideon
    turns around, looking stunned, and the scene fades out.

    Act Three

    Standing in the hallway outside the door to Bester's quarters, Lt. Matheson insists that the
    Captain take Bester into custody, as he is a war criminal from the Telepath Crisis. Bester sniffs
    derisively at the word "crisis," says it was a war, then a beat later, asks the Excalibur crew in for
    tea. Gideon asks him if that is all he has to say...war, not crisis, and won't they have some tea,
    and Bester answers yes and goes back into his quarters.

    Matheson protests to Gideon that they can't ask him for help because of what Bester did,
    that he's a war criminal that EarthGov has been trying to catch. Max pipes up that he happens to
    **like** tea and steps inside the doorway. Gideon tells Matheson they should consider all the
    possibilities before making a decision and, after a moment's hesitation, turns and enters Bester's
    quarters, the others following. Except for Lt. Matheson, who angrily stands in the doorway.

    Later in Bester's quarters, Eilerson and Bester are sitting in the Victorian wingback chairs,
    having tea and discussing why IPX wants him to help. Gideon steps in and says the price is
    negotiable, but Bester's turning himself in if he is indeed a fugitive isn't. Bester philosophically
    states that scapegoats must be found and "history rewritten from the point of view of those who
    won." Matheson enters the room and the argument, challenging Bester about his actions against
    fellow Psi Corps members as well as normal humans. Eilerson butts in, saying they still need
    Bester's help to unlock the door and that none of what they're discussing has anything to do with
    why they're on the planet.

    Bester agrees to help, but only in exchange for the transport to his next destination aboard
    the Excalibur, no questions asked. Gideon asks for a moment to discuss it with the crew, who
    are having mixed reactions to this request. Bester asks them to weigh how much they need his
    help against what is right or wrong, and leaves the room.

    Inside a dark ship, we overhear a transmission to the helmeted pilot. It says Bester's
    presence on the Tarriff's Colony is confirmed and a strike mission is being prepared to recover
    him. The pilot replies that he will send word to "Top Dog." Another ship pulls up alongside the
    first one, seemingly out of nowhere, and the two ships glide off into space.

    In Bester's quarters, the crew are discussing the moral implications of taking Bester versus
    the good of the mission. They question Matheson on his info about Bester, asking him if he's sure
    that Bester is guilty. "For a telepath, it's a gut instinct...only stronger. You won't get a clearer
    signal about someone unless you read their minds."

    In the adjacent room, Bester receives a warning from a pocket-com: Warning, pursuit team
    en route, sighted in this sector.

    Gideon is just agreeing to wait to get help and trust Lt. Matheson on how to handle this when
    Bester walks back into the room, telling them he's decided to help them. Gideon tells him they've
    already made their decision, but Bester tells them that they **will** take him with them, or he
    will implicate Lt. Matheson as one of his conspirators during the Telepath Crisis. "Matheson
    looks like a crushed man, completely at the whim of this devastating, loathsome person" as the
    scene fades out.

    Act Four

    The crew enters the archeological dig with Bester in the lead. He warns them that he needs
    some time to prepare and that he must not be distracted, or they all will suffer massive brain
    trauma. Gideon tells Matheson he's starting to understand what the Lt. meant about a "bad gut
    feeling" and to please remind him not to doubt the first officer's instincts again.

    Close-up on Bester's face as he concentrates. We hear gears and mechanisms unlocking
    from inside the door, the sound of air and steam escaping, and the door opens, slit down the
    middle in a jagged edge. As Bester steps back, Eilerson peeks in, with the doctor right behind
    him. Max and Chambers walk in, the doctor scanning the vault. The inner chamber is empty, its
    walls cut roughly out of bedrock, the sound of running water in the background. Max is
    disappointed, "This is it?" However, Dureena knows better. She goes to the far corner of the
    room where there is a small waterfall tumbling down the rocks. The rocks have turned emerald
    green and translucent where the water hit them. Dureena reminds Max and the doctor that there
    are natural alternatives to medicine, such as fire, wind, and water. Chambers agrees and the two
    women collect samples of the water and the green stones. They walk out of the vault when they
    are finished, but Max is still inside, looking on the ground for anything that might be valuable. The
    door has started closing, but Max has found something in the dirt, a scroll case, and is digging it
    out. Gideon yells at him to get out. Eilerson tells him he found something. The captain turns to
    Bester and asks him if he can't keep the door open, to which the telepath replies, "No. It's
    closing because you got what you came for." Max manages to unearth the scroll and throws
    himself towards the door, just managing to get out before getting crushed. Gideon asks him what
    he has. "I don't know. I'm hoping it's instructions."

    They leave via the shuttle, but receive a message from the station that the governor wants to
    see them before they proceed to the Excalibur. The crew disembarks in the Cargo Bay, Bester
    being the last out, when they're attacked by 12 thugs, most of who have weapons. A fight
    ensues. Gideon yells, asking what they want. The thug fighting with him says they want the "loot"
    from the planet. Gideon tries to tell him they don't have anything, but the thug doesn't believe him.
    Another thug jumps the captain from behind, holding a knife. Matheson yells out "Matt!" and
    joins the fight, grabbing the thug off Gideon and restraining him. However, another thug is coming
    up behind the Lieutenant with a police club raised over his head. "At the last minute Matheson
    knocks his Thug out, and then looks behind him at the second Thug.

    P.O.V. Matheson (Comp) "The thug prepares to hit Matheson, but is suddenly hit by a mind
    blast, causing severe pain. He drops the club and grabs his head, screaming, then falls to the
    ground, dead. As the man drops to the ground, just past him we see Bester.

    As we pan back to see the whole cargo bay again, Matheson and the others realize Bester
    saved his life. So do the other thugs, who quickly leave, not wanting to be Bester's next target.
    Close up on Matheson as the realization that Bester saved his life sinks in.

    Later, the Excalibur jumps in to hyperspace. In the MedLab, the doctor and Dureena are
    analyzing the stones and spring water they found. Chambers says it'll take about 48 hours to
    finish, then they sit in silence and watch the water working its way through the analyzer machine.
    Max enters and stops before them. He's been translating the scroll, which says "We left because
    we no longer needed this sacred place. We had evolved in such a manner that our own bodies
    were timeless, formless, and perfect. We left our shells behind, we left this spring behind. ...We
    do not know where it comes from, or why it is so potent. Only that it helps to prolong life and
    soothe the sick." Chambers says again that they have 48 hours until they know what it does.
    Dureena optimistically says they already know what it's capable of, but the doctor doesn't want
    to get her hopes up. Max and Dureena leave as Chambers starts writing in her medical journal.

    On the flight deck, Bester is waiting for a shuttle. Matheson comes up to tell him his shuttle is
    ready. Bester asks him what it's like in Earthforce, and Matheson replies it is even better than he
    dreamed, and that he's happy. They discuss the distrust and discrimination telepaths receive from
    mundanes as opposed to the paranoia within the Corps. Then the lieutenant asks Bester why he
    saved his life. He replies because Matheson is a telepath, and because it was the right thing to do.
    That even though he is not a Psi Cop anymore, he will still do whatever he has to to protect other
    telepaths, whether they want it or not.

    Matheson asks him if that is why he murdered during the Telepath Crisis. "I did what was
    necessary," Bester tells him. "There were casualties on both sides of the war. The difference is,
    when you win the war, you're a hero. When you lose, you're a war criminal." He says he will not
    turn himself in, as he feels he did what was right. Matheson comments that if he's running, he must
    be guilty of something. Bester laughs, and says, reminiscently, "I remember being your age.
    Things seemed more fair then." He goes on to tell about his mentor, Sandoval Bey, who did not
    run because he felt he was innocent, and thus was murdered by mundanes. He tells the Lt. that he
    is running from the mundanes.

    In the MedLab, Gideon comes to Chambers, asking for the verdict on the water analysis.
    She tells him it is the most potent pain-reliever humans have ever had, that it will help ease the
    pain for people when the virus starts to break out, perhaps even extending life-spans by holding
    off some of the virus's symptoms. "All in all then, we did the right thing," the captain says. The
    doctor agrees, but she's not so sure that taking Mr. Bester to his rendezvous point is the right
    thing. Gideon says he will keep this promise even if it is "the only honorable thing we've done all


    The Excalibur is stopped in hyperspace. In a close-up of the flight deck, we see a simple
    shuttle, not much more than a life pod, leave the flight deck and sit in hyperspace. On the bridge,
    Gideon is sitting in the captain's chair, Matheson behind him, watching the tiny shuttle floating in
    hyperspace on their view screen. "Bester's just going to sit there. With 24 hours of life support,"
    Gideon comments. Matheson confirms. If no one comes for him in 24 hours, he will run out of
    oxygen and die. Gideon comments perhaps they should put him out of his misery now with one of
    the ship's forward guns. Given his former position, you expect Matheson to agree. However, he
    remembers what Bester said about his former mentor, also innocent, who didn't run and was
    killed by the mundanes. Matheson looks at the tiny lifepod of a shuttle, then shakes his head and
    says, "No sir. I ...We'd just be sinking to his level. One day someone will catch him, and put him
    on trial for what his crimes. And he'll get what he's due." Gideon agrees, and the Excalibur leaves
    the small shuttle alone in hyperspace.

    A few minutes later, a Psi Corps Mothership approaches the shuttle through hyperspace, and
    the shuttle moves towards it. Inside the ship on the flight deck, a rogue Psi Cop is waiting for Mr.
    Bester. He exclaims it has been 3 years since they last hooked up with Bester. As they walk off
    together, Bester says it helps to know that the "remaining few death wagons are in good hands."
    EarthGov will never admit that they built offensive ships for the Psi Corps, so they can't send out
    forces to find them. The rogue Psi Cop says, "And we have a weapon to strike back with."
    "When the time is right," Bester replies.

    Back at the space station, the dark ships have reached Tarriff's colony. One of the pilots is in
    Bester's quarters. He tells the other pilot, over the link, that he's checked the whole station and
    Bester seems to be gone. There was no record of any ships leaving with him on it, though the
    Excalibur was there. The pilot in the ship says he had heard about the Excalibur being there, then
    says Top Dog had just wired in and wanted a full report. The pilot in Bester's quarters tells him to
    go ahead and tell him the bad news.

    On the dark ship, the pilot starts recording a transmission to MarsDome. "This is Under Dog
    to Top Dog. When we arrived at the colony, Al Bester was not here. There are no records of
    him leaving the planet."

    In an office on Mars, we see a hand at a desk, turning off a desk link. Mars is visible through
    a window in the background. The recording continues, "I'm sorry, Mr. Garibaldi. He got away

    The end.
  12. Euphemos

    Euphemos Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 272
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Vaikuttaisi kyllä todella hyvältä jaksolta... toden totta harmillista, että sarja katkaistiin juuri kun se oli pääsemässä kunnolla vauhtiin.
  13. xclone

    xclone Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 623
    Saadut tykkäykset:
  14. bronton

    bronton Tuttu käyttäjä Tukijoukot

    Saadut tykkäykset:
  15. Larry

    Larry Guest Guest

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Tuli katsottua uusin Babylon ja aikas kylmäksi jätti. Taso oli mielestäni ykköskauden täytejaksojen luokkaa, eli ihan ok, mutta huomattavasti parempaan olisi kyllä pitänyt pystyä. Jos tämä ei menesty niin Straczynski saa syyttää kyllä itseään. Hänellä on ollut vuosia aikaa kehitellä uusia tarinoita ja tässä on tulos. Surkeitahan nämä eivät olleet ja tunti vierähti siliti kivasti, mutta potentiaalia ja mahdollisuuksia olisi vain ollut niin paljon parempaan.
  16. klmake

    klmake You’ll Never Walk Alone Tukijoukot

    1 552
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Kyllä aikamoisia pettymyksiä myös itselle oli nämä molemmat tarinat. Erityisesti tämä ensimmäinen
    Lochelyn "manaaja-mukaelma".
    Toivottavasti parempaa on tulossa.
  17. xclone

    xclone Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 623
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Sarjan superfanit ovat jo varmaan törmänneet tähän linkkiin mutta laitetaan satunnaisille diggaajille nähtäville myös...

    Hienoahan tuo olisi jos pitää paikkaansa.

    JMS ja WARNER BROS ovat kummatkin yhtä hiljaisella tiedotuspäällä joten itse otan tuon huhuna toistaiseksi. Käsikirjoittajien lakko vielä päällä joten JMS:än palkkio puoli on varmaan selvittämättä. Mikäli tuo juttu edes pitää paikkaansa.

    Ja jos tässä jotain perää on niin toivonmukaan jaksojen pituutta meinataan lisätä ja ekstra näyttelijöitä myös.

    Itsellä ei tämä anthology konsepti oikein nappaa vaan tv-sarja pitäisi tehdä. Mutta ottaen huomioon aikaisemmat B5 sarja yritykset niin kaikkeen tulevaan pitää olla tyytyväinen.
  18. Arttu78

    Arttu78 Lähes henkilökuntaa Tukijoukot

    2 451
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Ah. Kaikki otetaan vastaan. Toivon, toivon, toivon, että äijät tekisi edes yhden kokonaisen kauden.
  19. JTX

    JTX Lähes henkilökuntaa

    5 794
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Kaikki otetaan vastaan vaikka ensimmäinen tuotos olikin turdspace-tasoa :p

    Oikeastaan vielä enemmän toivoisin lisää erästä toista sarjaa... You can't take the sky from me.
  20. Euphemos

    Euphemos Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 272
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Sanoisin kyllä, että Turdspace oli laadukkaampi kuin tämä ensimmäinen Lochleyn Kadonnut Tarina (Sheridanin tarina oli jo ihan mukiinmenevää höttöä)... tosin pituuttakin oli sillä enemmän.

    En kyllä tiedä sitten tuosta avaruuslänkkäristä, kuinka pitkälle sen tarinaa voisi venyttää, vaikka henkilöhahmot olivatkin mielenkiintoisia.