Well keep in mind... I flunked/failed grammar and English classes in the 4th and 5th grade and didn't go any farther with either. Then add to the...
Zipman... even though I cannot read it... looks like you did a heck of a good job with this thread....being there is so many replies. Now I'm...
Then I wanted to say this: It might help if Behringer started getting some emails showing interest in the proposed BSE2496C Sub EQ. If you would...
I'm cracking up here. I guess the online translator is not worth a poot huh? I kinda figured when I tried to use it to translate Finnish to...
Se on erinomainen jotta hiippakunta joten hyvin huvittaa kotona BFD tähän. aluta antaa anteeksi minun Finnish. I-KIRJAIN olen kohteleva by...
Jaa mahdollisesti useammat käyttäjänimet pilkulla. ","