Näkyyköhän tuo conan joen tuolla puolen? Ainakin jokunen vuosi sitten Jay Leno näkyi, mutta kuinka nykyään.
Ei tässä kyllä malta odottaa kun kaikki tuota jaksoa hehkuttavat. Kuinkas kauan tämä Suomi osuus yleensä kestää? 1-5 minuuttia
Nyt kyllä ymmärsit lauseen täysin väärin. Korvaa "yleensä" sana "yleensäkin", jos se helpottaa tajuamista. Jos ei muuten niin jätä koko "yleensä" sana pois.
Alt.fan.conan-obrien-ryhmässä oli hieman keskustelua tuosta tiistain jaksosta, seuraa "Brianin" analyysi tuosta "Apology to Finland" osiosta. Joten luetaan omalla vastuulla. Spoiler >Best Bit's in 'Apology to Finland': First of all, I'm assuming this is just a temporary little detour, not a major change of course, and Conan will soon resume his long-term project of insulting every country on the planet in alphabetical order. Again, I have to believe that, because that's also the only thing that keeps me going. Secondly, I liked how, when showing us the first postcard, Conan first showed us what he called the "exterior" of the card, by which can only assume he meant the front. Maybe it's just some kind of regional, Boston area colloquialism, or else perhaps Conan's decent into total madness has become more precipitous (damm, I hope my spell check can handle all these fancy-ass words, because what I'm actually typing sure as hell ain't right). >Among the cards in response to what Conan said about Finland in >'Conan O'Brien Hates My Homeland', the show got lots of letters >from Finland. I thought the 'Blues Brother' comment was the >weakest one but I liked all the others that were shown: The Blues Brothers was by far my favorite, I just loved the broken English that nevertheless got the idea across perfectly, not to mention the odd little detail that the writer abruptly switched from a thick red felt tip marker to blue ballpoint pen three words in. And to top it off, looking at TOConanFan's screen capture of the card (another great job, btw), you can see that the writer for some reason addressed the card to "Cunan O'Erien Hates My Homeland", with a pair of umlauts over the "u" in "Cunan" (which I do know how to get my computer to type, btw, but the symbol won't translate over newsgroups) >"You are whiter than Finnish landscape in wintertime." Again, looking at the screen capture of the, uh..., interior, I guess, of this card, you can see an additional little joke in the return address Conan didn't bother pointing out: "Send your angry mail to: Finland Hates Conan O'Brien...."
No niin, nyt on joku jo saanut tuon suomi-pätkän nettiinkin. Joten jos haluaa ottaa ennakkoa niin olkaa hyvät: http://people.cc.jyu.fi/~tojusaar/conan/conan%20o'brien%20loves%20finland%20(2004-06-08).mpeg
:king: :king: :king: :king: :king: :king: :king: :king: :king: :king: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Ei paha, ei paha. Jääkäämme odottamaan jatkoa... Mutta oliko tuossa jonkinlainen äänisynkkaongelma, koska ainakin omalla koneellani ääni tuli jonkin verran myöhässä.
Onko kellään kokemuksia miten nuo Canalin kautta tulevan CNBC:n Conan uusinnat menevät? Onko tuota vielä mahdollista nähdä sitä kautta?