Tulevat julkaisut

Keskustelu osiossa 'Blu-ray & UHD -leffat' , aloittajana sokka, 04.09.2007.

  1. tuna

    tuna Lähes henkilökuntaa

    2 633
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Special Features:
    • Audio Commentary with Director Brian Yuzna
    • Audio Commentary with Star Melinda Clarke and Special Effects Supervisor Tom Rainone
    • Ashes To Ashes – A Conversation with Director Brian Yuzna and Screenwriter John Penney
    • Living Dead Girl – An interview with Actress Melinda Clarke
    • Romeo Is Bleeding – An Interview with Actor J. Trevor Edmond
    • Trimark & Trioxin – Interviews with Production Executive David Tripet and Editor Chris Roth
    • The Resurrected Dead – Interviews with Special Make-up Effects Designers Steve Johnson and Chris Nelson
    • Storyboard Gallery
    • Still Gallery
    • Theatrical Trailers

    Hyvältä näyttää!
    Seuraavaksi Lionsgate voisi julkaista Near Darkista uuden julkaisun, paremalla kuvalla ja mukavilla ekstroilla höystettynä. Warlock 1 ja 2 kelpaisi myös.
  2. tuna

    tuna Lähes henkilökuntaa

    2 633
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Mitäs tästä nyt sanoisi:rolleyes: http://caps-a-holic.com/c.php?a=1&x=479&y=463&d1=8867&d2=8866&s1=85261&s2=85247&l=0&i=2&go=1
    Uuden julkaisun kuva pehmeähkö (lievää DNRän käyttöä, rakeisuus poissa) ja vanhan "rakeinen" (lukemani perusteella, jälkikäteen "lisättyä"). Silti kallistunut uuden julkaisun suuntaan ja tärkeintähän on miltä homma näyttää liikkuvana kuvana.

    Carrien osalta pidän enemmän Shout Factory julkaisun värimaailmasta kuin MGM Home Entertainmentin UK blu-rayn http://caps-a-holic.com/c.php?a=1&x=655&y=292&d1=8861&d2=8862&s1=85178&s2=85194&l=0&i=13&go=1
    Viimeksi muokattu: 21.09.2016
  3. kinks-58

    kinks-58 Scorpio on the dark side Tukijoukot

    1 850
    Saadut tykkäykset:
  4. Juke85

    Juke85 Tunnettu käyttäjä

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Tuskinpa kun ei tullut salaisista kansioistakaan blu-ray julkaisua täällä. :(
    Sitä ensin odotellessa..
    Viimeksi muokattu: 06.10.2016
  5. 71 dB

    71 dB Lähes henkilökuntaa

    11 781
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Milleniumista Blu-ray suomiteksteillä? Dream on... ...aivan tajuttomalla tsäkällä tulee joku kuppainen juosten kustu jenkkijulkaisu espanjankielisin tekstein.
  6. tuna

    tuna Lähes henkilökuntaa

    2 633
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia - 4K restoration (Arrow/Region B)/23.1.2017


      • Brand new 4K restoration from the original camera negative produced by Arrow Films exclusively for this release
      • Original 1.0 mono audio
      • Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing
      • Brand new audio commentary by Stephen Prince, author of Savage Cinema: Sam Peckinpah and the Rise of Ultraviolent Movies, recorded exclusively for this release
      • Audio commentary by Sam Peckinpah scholars Paul Seydor, Garner Simmons and David Weddle, moderated by Nick Redman
      • Sam Peckinpah: Man of Iron, Paul Joyce’s feature-length 1993 documentary featuring interviews with James Coburn, Kris Kristofferson, Monte Hellman, Ali MacGraw, James Robards and others, available on home video in the UK for the first time ever
      • The John Player Lecture: Sam Peckinpah, audio recording of the director’s on-stage appearance at the National Film Theatre
      • Theatrical trailer
      • Bonus Blu-ray: Featuring never-before-seen interviews with Peckinpah colleagues and contemporaries including Kris Kristofferson, Monte Hellman, L.Q. Jones, Alan Sharp and more (TBC) [Limited Edition exclusive]
      • Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Peter Strain
      • Extensive collector’s booklet containing new writing by Alexandra Heller-Nicholas and numerous reprints including interviews and more [Limited Edition exclusive]
    Viimeksi muokattu: 15.10.2016
  7. tuna

    tuna Lähes henkilökuntaa

    2 633
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Dead Heat (88 Films/Region B)/30.1.2017

    Special Edition Contents:

    Restored HD Master
    Uncompressed Stereo Audio
    Audio Commentary with Director Mark Goldblatt
    Interview with Steve Johnson (SPFX)
    Behind-the-Scenes Footage
    Deleted Scenes
    Theatrical Trailer
    Premium Finish O-Card - Limited to not many units.

  8. tuna

    tuna Lähes henkilökuntaa

    2 633
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    The Unrated Cut is coming on October 25th but it will be released solely on digital platforms.

    Being released solely on digital platforms, we also have the exclusive artwork debut and can confirm the new Unrated Edition carries an additional 5-minutes of footage “that was too intense for theaters, allowing fans the perfect chance to see Fede Alvarez’s unedited vision for the film.” This will also be the first time that digital extras will be available on Evil Dead.

    :mad: No ehkä tullaan julkaisemaan joskus myös blu-rayna, jos ei niin voi p....e:mad:
  9. tuna

    tuna Lähes henkilökuntaa

    2 633
    Saadut tykkäykset:
  10. tuna

    tuna Lähes henkilökuntaa

    2 633
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    To Live and Die in L.A (Arrow/Region B)/21.11.2016

    Ekstrat ovat samat kuin Shout Factoryn julkaisussa, kirjanen poikkeus.
    Arrow teki restauroinnin (4K restoration) ja Shout Factory teki ekstrat. Toivottavasti alkaisivat tekemään enemmänkin yhteistyötä (Arrow Region B ja Shout Region A).


    • Brand new 4K restoration from the original 35mm negative supervised and approved by director William Friedkin
    • High Definition Blu-ray (1080p) and Standard Definition DVD presentations
    • Optional 5.1 Surround and 2.0 Stereo audio (with DTS-HD Master Audio and Uncompressed PCM on the Blu-ray)
    • Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing
    • Audio commentary by director and co-writer William Friedkin
    • Taking a Chance, a brand-new interview with actor William Petersen
    • Doctor for a Day, a brand-new interview with actor Dwier Brown
    • Renaissance Woman in L.A., a brand-new interview with Debra Feuer
    • So In Phase: Scoring To Live and Die in L.A., a brand-new interview with composers Wang Chung
    • Wrong Way: The Stunts of To Live and Die in L.A., a brand-new interview with stunt co-ordinator Buddy Joe Hooker
    • Counterfeit World: The Making of To Live and Die in L.A., an archive featurette containing interviews with Friedkin, actors Petersen and Willem Dafoe, and others
    • Alternative ending
    • Deleted scene
    • Stills gallery
    • Trailers
    • Radio spot
    • Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by the Twins of Evil

    FIRST PRESSING ONLY: Fully illustrated collector’s booklet containing new writing by Anne Billson and contemporary coverage.
  11. sokka

    sokka Lähes henkilökuntaa

    5 788
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    ^ Mulla on jotenki sellainen mielikuva, että siellä tehdään jo yhteistyötä. Onhan nuo julkaisut melko samoja jo nyt. Oli niin tai näin, niin toivotaan, että noita Shoutin julkaisuja saadaan, myös Arrow:lle julkaisuun esim The Thing kiinnostaa.
  12. tuna

    tuna Lähes henkilökuntaa

    2 633
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    COLORS (1988) (Shout! Factory/Shout Select/Region A)/ 2017

    Second Sightin UK julkaisu ei sisällä tekstejä laisinkaan. Joten tämän tilaamista on harkittava (vaikka omistan jo tuon UK julkaisun)?
    Luultavasti tulee myös saamaan uusia ekstroja, toivottavasti Pennin ja Duvallin haastatteluja?
  13. tuna

    tuna Lähes henkilökuntaa

    2 633
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    FRIGHT NIGHT (1985) (Eureka/Region-B)/26.11.2016

    Eureka Classics is proud to present this iconic modern horror classic in a new Dual-Format special edition.


    • 4K digital restoration
    • Original stereo PCM soundtrack and 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio options (on the Blu-ray)
    • English subtitles for the deaf and hearing-impaired
    • You’re So Cool, Brewster! A new two-hour version of the definitive 2016 documentary on the making of Fright Night, focusing on the first film, created exclusively for this release
    • What is Fright Night featurette, a 2016 video piece featuring cast and crew interviews (BLU-RAY ONLY)
    • Tom Holland: Writing Horror, a 2016 video piece featuring interviews with Holland and his collaborators (BLU-RAY ONLY)
    • Rowdy McDowall: From Apes to Bats, a 2016 video piece featuring archival footage of McDowall and cast and crew interviews (BLU-RAY ONLY)
    • Fear Fest 2 2008 reunion panel featuring Tom Holland, Chris Sarandon, William Ragsdale, Stephen Geoffreys, Amanda Bearse, Jonathan Stark and moderated by Rob Galluzzo (BLU-RAY ONLY)
    • Shock Till You Drop Present Choice Cuts with Tom Holland and Ryan Turek, a three-part video interview on the film (BLU-RAY ONLY)
    • The full electronic press kit, featuring extensive on-set interviews and behind-the-scenes footage (BLU-RAY ONLY)
    • Stills and memorabilia from Tom Holland’s personal collection (BLU-RAY ONLY)
    • G-rated and R-rated theatrical trailers (BLU-RAY ONLY)
    • PLUS: a booklet featuring a new essay by Craig Ian Mann (STEELBOOK EXCLUSIVE)

    Zavvi ilmoittaa jo että julkaisu (Steelbook) on jo loppuun myyty:eek: Ilmoitusta julkaisusta ei Eurekan osalta ei ole edes tullut. Normi julkaisua odotellessa ja aivan pakko ostos!!

    "Making of Fright Night, focusing on the first film" Toivottavasti odotettavissa on myös Eurekan julkaisema Fright Night 2, missä olisi "You’re So Cool, Brewster!" dokumentin Fright Night kakkosen osuus.
    Viimeksi muokattu: 29.10.2016
  14. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

    4 866
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    1 265
    ^ Zavvin oma peelo tuo "loppuunmyyty". Eikä ole ensimmäinen eikä varmasti viimeinen kerta, kun tuohon typeryyteen asiakaskunta törmää.
  15. tuna

    tuna Lähes henkilökuntaa

    2 633
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    HOUSE Collection/Arrow (Region A/B)

    HAPPY HALLOWEEN! As today is one of our favourite times of the year we decided to celebrate with a special UK/US title reveal….
    The HOUSE collection is coming to Arrow Video!
    We’ll be sharing more information about both releases in the coming months so stay tuned and don’t come alone!

    Mikäli Collection sisältää Horror show/House III, niin toivottavasti se olisi tällä kertaa Unrated. Toisin kuin Shout Factoryn R-rated
    julkaisu. "both" voi tarkoittaa, että Collection sisältää vain kaksi ensimmäistä?
    Onhan tämä erittäin toivottu julkaisu, erityisesti ensimmäinen osa.


    Okay by now you know we couldn’t let this day go by without some title announcements right? ;-) Here’s some treats to look forward to on Blu-ray in 2017:

    - TALES FROM THE HOOD (1995) – The often-requested anthology film (Executive Producer by Spike Lee!) will finally make its Blu-ray format debut.

    - DEADTIME STORIES (1986) – Another fun and highly-requested anthology movie that many remember from the 80s which features Scott Valentine, Melissa Leo and a title sequence song that you’ll never get out of your head!

    - FIRESTARTER (1984) – Stephen King’s fiery psychic tale is planned for the Collector’s Edition treatment and will receive an all-new 2K film transfer!

    - DEMENTED (1980) – Many remember this obscure exploitation revenge outing because it was originally on the early Home Media VHS label (once the home for Halloween, A Nightmare on Elm Street and other classics) and its cover art was in video stores everywhere. Stars Harry Reems (of Deep Throat fame)

    - WHAT’S THE MATTER WITH HELEN? (1971) – Debbie Reynolds and Shelly Winters star in this offbeat and melodramatic thriller that has its fair share of fans. Also stars Dennis Weaver and Agnes Moorehead in supporting roles.

    - THE SCREAMING SKULL (1958) – We head back into the 50s bring you this enjoyable spooky gem about newlyweds that scared plenty back in its day.

    - PSYCHO (1998) – Gus Van Sant’s ambitious and highly-publicized (at the time) remake of Hitchcock’s classic makes its debut on the Blu-ray format.

    - THE VAGRANT (1992) – Bill Paxton and Michael Ironside star in this interesting and unique comedic horror film executive-produced by Mel Brooks!

    - THE ANGRY RED PLANET (1959) – A trip to mars turns into terror in this campy sci-fi thriller classic.

    - VIRUS (1999) – Speaking of Sci-fi thrillers, we have another one to add…but this one stars legendary Scream Queen Jamie Lee Curtis! Also features William Baldwin and Donald Sutherland and has been long due for reevaluation.

    There you have it! Please note that we have very little specific details about them at this time other than what we have provided above. As always, we’ll provide more information down the road when we can.

    Again, Happy Halloween to everyone and enjoy the rest of the best holiday of the year!

    Firestarter (1984) kiinostaa hiukan, mutta muut ei niinkään.
    Viimeksi muokattu: 31.10.2016
  16. tuna

    tuna Lähes henkilökuntaa

    2 633
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    "I asked Arrow if the House Collection will include House 4 or only 1 and 2. The response states 1-4 will be for UK set so it seems to imply 4 will not be part of US set." lähde bluray.com forum

    Toivottavasti Collection sisältää tosiaan House III/Horror Shown ja mielellään Unrated versiona.
  17. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

    4 866
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    1 265
    ^ Horror Show on liioittelematta saagan paras, joskin täysin itsenäinen elokuva. Leffan unrated versiota on odotettu odottamisesta päästyä hd-resoluutiona, vaikka usko hiipui jo kauan ennen Scream Factory -julkaisemaa R-versiota.
  18. tuna

    tuna Lähes henkilökuntaa

    2 633
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    The holidays are just around the corner and we’ll celebrating it in terrifying style with our upcoming 2-disc Collector’s Edition Blu-ray release of Bob Clark’s original BLACK CHRISTMAS. Please read on below for our final list of extras and specs:

    DISC 1:

    • NEW 2016 2K scan of the negative (1.85:1) – DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1, DTS-HD Master Audio Mono
    • Audio Commentary with director Bob Clark
    • Audio Commentary with actors John Saxon and Keir Dullea
    • Audio Commentary with Billy (actor Nick Mancuso)
    • Audio interview with director Bob Clark

    DISC 2:

    • 2006 Critical Mass HD Master (1.78:1) – DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1
    • NEW Film and Furs – Remembering Black Christmas with Art Hindle
    • NEW Victims and Virgins – Remembering Black Christmas with Lynne Griffin
    • Black Christmas Legacy
    • 40th Anniversary Panel at FanExpo 2014 featuring John Saxon, Art Hindle, Lynne Griffin & Nick Mancuso
    • On Screen!: Black Christmas featurette
    • 12 Days of Black Christmas featurette
    • Black Christmas Revisited featurette
    • Archival Interviews with Olivia Hussey, Art Hindle, Margot Kidder, Bob Clark, & John Saxon
    • Midnight Screening Q&A with Bob Clark, John Saxon and Carl Zittrer
    • Two scenes with a new vocal soundtrack
    • Original Theatrical Trailers (English and French)
    • Original TV and Radio Spots
    • Alternative Title Sequences
    • Still Gallery
    Official street date is December 13th but if you pre-order directly from us you’ll get it shipped early plus receive an exclusive 18” x 24” poster of the newly-commissioned artwork (while supplies last). Pre-order now @ https://www.shoutfactory.com/…/black...ctor-s-…

    Special note: We do want to address our new transfer specifically here to manage expectations. Our 2K scan was made from the original film negative and retains the grain and softness you would have seen during its original release in 1974. We have not applied any digital noise reduction and restored the original 1.85:1 aspect ratio used in US theaters. Unfortunately, the negative had suffered some damage over the years but we have spent a lot of extra resources / costs to clean it up the best we could. We’re pleased with our results and hope you will enjoy the presentation.
    In our efforts to make sure our overall release could be as comprehensive and definitive as possible, we have also included the prior HD version on Disc 2 (and corrected some audio sync issues it had) for those who may prefer it’s 1.78 aspect ratio.

    Thank you for your support as always!


    Fans of the 1984 horror-fantasy-adventure-thriller hybrid cult classic are in for a treat this December. Read on to see a list of all the new and exclusive extras that will be on our upcoming blu-ray release!

    • NEW 2K Scan of the film
    • NEW – “The Actor’s Journey” - Interview with Dennis Quaid
    • NEW – “Dreamscapes and Dreammakers” Retrospective including Brand-new interviews with Director Joseph Ruben, Co-Writer David Loughery, Actor David Patrick Kelly and other members of the special effects team
    • NEW – “Nightmares and Dreamsnakes” – Looking Back at the Snakeman with Craig Reardon, David Patrick Kelley and others.
    • NEW In-Depth Conversation Between Bruce Cohn Curtis And Co-Writer/Producer Chuck Russell
    • Audio Commentary With Bruce Cohn Curtis, David Loughery And Craig Reardon
    • Snake Man Test Footage
    • Still Gallery
    • Theatrical Trailer
  19. hansolo

    hansolo Lähes henkilökuntaa

    4 866
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Blu-ray.com:in tuoreiden kuvankaappausten perusteella näyttäisi, että Shoutin Fists of Fury (Big Boss) on värikorjattu vastaamaan paremmin alkuperäistä värimaailmaa. Nämä jo julkaisut 4k restauroidut versiot ovat olleet melkoisesti keltaiseen kallellaan. Tyypillisiä Ritrovata 4k restaurointeja, joissa valkoinen näyttää kellertävältä. Mukana on myös kaikki ääniraidat alkuperäisinä monoversioina. Sama koskenee myös Chinese connectionia (Fist of Fury).

    En löytänyt vielä mitään suoraa vertailua, mutta tässä ainakin yksi kohtaus, joita voi verrata.
    Kam & Ronson HK:

    Saapa nähdä mitä Briteissä ilmestyvä Bruce Lee The Master Collection -boksi tarjoaa. Siinä on kaikki leffat, myös Warnerin Enter the Dragon.
    Viimeksi muokattu: 18.11.2016
  20. tuna

    tuna Lähes henkilökuntaa

    2 633
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    The Official Indicator (Powerhouse Films)/Region B, FREE

    - John Carpenter, 1998

    Special Features:
    • Original stereo audio/Alternative 5.1 surround sound track
    • Audio commentary with director John Carpenter
    • Behind the scenes (1999, 6 mins): 'making of' documentary, featuring interviews with cast and crew, including John Carpenter, James Woods and Sheryl Lee
    • Cast & Crew Interviews (1999, 9 mins)
    • B-roll footage (1999, 9 mins)
    • Original theatrical trailer
    • New and improved English subtitles for the deaf and hard-of-hearing
    • Limited edition exclusive booklet with a new essay by Kim Newman
    • Limited Dual Format Edition of 5,000 copies / UK Blu-ray premiere
    • More extras TBC

    GHOSTS OF MARS - John Carpenter, 2001

    Special Features:
    • Original stereo audio/Alternative 5.1 surround sound track
    • Audio commentary by director John Carpenter and actor Natasha Henstridge
    • Scoring 'Ghosts of Mars' (2001, 6 mins): behind the scenes at the recording sessions with John Carpenter and bands Anthrax and Buckethead as they record the score for Ghosts of Mars
    • Special Effects Deconstruction (2001, 7 mins)
    • Video Diary: Red Desert Nights - Making 'Ghosts of Mars' (2001, 17 mins)
    • Original theatrical trailer
    • New and improved English subtitles for the deaf and hard-of-hearing
    • Limited edition exclusive booklet with a new essay by Nick Pinkerton
    • Limited Dual Format Edition of 5,000 copies / UK Blu-ray premiere
    • More extras TBC

    THE NEW CENTURIONS - Richard Fleischer, 1972

    Special Features:
    • Cop Stories: The Making of Richard Fleishcher's 'The New Centurions' (2015, 44 mins) featuring interviews with actor Stacy Keach, writer Joseph Wambaugh, technical advisor Richard E. Kalk and assistant cameraman Ronald Vidor.
    • Original theatrical trailer
    • New and improved English subtitles for the deaf and hard-of-hearing
    • Limited edition exclusive booklet with a new essay by Nick Pinkerton
    • Limited Dual Format Edition of 3,000 copies / UK Blu-ray premiere
    • More extras TBC


    BUNNY LAKE IS MISSING - Otto Preminger, 1965

    Special Features:
    • Audio commentary film historians Lem Dobbs, Julie Kirgo and Nick Redman
    • New and exclusive interviews with actors Carol Lynley and Clive Revill (2017, tbc mins)
    • Image gallery: on-set and promotional photography
    • Original theatrical trailer
    • New and improved English subtitles for the deaf and hard-of-hearing
    • Limited edition exclusive booklet with a new essay by Chris Fujiwara
    • Limited Dual Format Edition of 3,000 copies / UK Blu-ray premiere
    • More extras TBC

    THE ANDERSON TAPES - Sidney Lumet, 1971

    Special Features:
    • A new and exclusive interview with actor Dyan Cannon (2017, tbc mins)
    • Image gallery: on-set and promotional photography
    • Original theatrical trailer
    • New and improved English subtitles for the deaf and hard-of-hearing
    • Limited edition exclusive booklet with a new essay by Thirza Wakefield
    • Limited Dual Format Edition of 3,000 copies / UK Blu-ray premiere
    • More extras TBC

    THE LAST DETAIL - Hal Ashby, 1973

    Special Features:
    • Isolated score track
    • Original theatrical trailer
    • Limited edition exclusive booklet with a new essay by Michael Pattison and archival reprints
    • Limited Dual Format Edition of 3,000 copies / UK Blu-ray premiere
    • More extras TBC
    Vampires menee varmasti ostoon. Hyvältä näyttää julkaisut kokonaisuutena, ekstrat ymn. Julkaisijan Blu-ray julkaisuiden hinnatkin ovat olleet kohtuulliset.
    Viimeksi muokattu: 18.11.2016