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Keskustelu osiossa 'Blu-ray & UHD -leffat' , aloittajana sokka, 04.09.2007.

  1. i-kari

    i-kari Tunnettu käyttäjä

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Ainoa noista mikä itseäni kiinnostaisi. Tosin tähtäimessä on Shout Factoryn tupla Ghosthouse / Witchery.
  2. Solo In Soho

    Solo In Soho Tunnettu käyttäjä

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Untold Storyn läpimeno brittisensuurista ilman leikkauksia kuulostaa kyllä sekin aprillipilalta...
  3. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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    ^ Pelottavaa. Aikomus oli tokaista sama lähes sanasta sanaan (ei aprillipila), mutta päättelin, että porukalle tuo lienee sanomattakin selvää, kun leffa on kuitenkin Unearthed Films:ltä tulossa kuten yleisesti laajalti tiedossa. Lienee myös aluekoodivapaa?
  4. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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    UPDATE, 2 APRIL 2020

    "First and foremost, we’d like to take this opportunity to say that we hope that you, your families, friends, colleagues and loved ones are all safe, healthy and well. We'd also like to take the opportunity to say to those of you who are key workers and volunteers just how much we appreciate what you are doing to care and provide for others during this challenging time."

    "Secondly, some updates. We are delighted to report that Lime Wood Media is still up and running, to fulfil your website orders, but with a significantly reduced staff, none of whom needs to either travel on public transport or risk coming into contact with others in order to get to or operate within the warehouse. At the time of writing, Lime Wood Media anticipate being able to ship out orders on a twice-weekly basis, and we will update if the situation changes."

    "As for our May releases – Spring Night Summer Night, Watermelon Man, Cisco Pike, and Moscow on the Hudson – we are still hoping to be able to bring them to you as originally planned, on their intended release date. If that changes, we’ll provide regular updates via social media."

    "Beyond May, it’s currently not possible for us to make promises with regards to future release dates, and there are no guarantees that all parts of the supply chains upon which we depend will continue to function. With that in mind, we will be running a different discount offer during April, affording a 10% saving on all currently released titles (i.e., excluding the May titles mentioned above) when you purchase two or more items. Simply enter APRIL at the checkout stage on the website."

    "Finally, our thoughts and best wishes are with you all, as well as with our many friends and colleagues in the industry, both here and around the world – look after yourselves and each other. And let's all find a way to celebrate once this thing's behind us!"

    Take care,

    Everyone at Powerhouse Films and Lime Wood Media

    PS. As we are unable to provide new announcements and pre-orders this month, we thought we would share some of the range of titles we are currently working on, and sincerely hope to bring to you before too long…






  5. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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    Hienoa havaita, että Grindhouse Releasing on palannut sorvin ääreen. Tulevia julkaisuja, joista varmistettuja, alkuperäisistä kamera negatiiveista 4K skannattuja ja masteroituja painoksia edustaa Hollywood 90028 aka Twisted Throats aka The Hollywood Hillside Strangler (1973) sekä Death Game (1977). Pienen ikuisuuden työn alla ollut Scum of the Earth aka Poor White Trash (Part II) - Valkoinen kauhu (1974) The Deluxe Blu-ray Edition tulee sisältämään 2 levyä (sekä kirjan tilattaessa suoraan lafkan nettikaupasta).



    Viimeksi muokattu: 02.04.2020
  6. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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    Scream Factory







    Edit. Linkki lisätty.
    Viimeksi muokattu: 02.04.2020
  7. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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  8. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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    Arrow Academy will release on Blu-ray Nagisa Ôshima's Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (1983), starring David Bowie, Tom Conti, Ryûichi Sakamoto, Takeshi Kitano, and Jack Thompson. The release will be available for purchase on June 15.

    David Bowie stars in Nagisa Oshima s 1983 Palme d Or-nominated portrait of resilience, pride, friendship and obsession among four very different men confined in the stifling jungle heat of a Japanese prisoner-of-war camp in Java during World War II.

    "In 1942, British officer Major Jack Celliers (Bowie) is captured by Japanese soldiers, and after a brutal trial sent, physically debilitated but indomitable in mind, to a POW camp overseen by the zealous Captain Yonoi (Ryuichi Sakamoto). Celliers stubbornness sees him locked in a battle of wills with the camp s new commandant, a man obsessed with discipline and the glory of Imperial Japan who becomes unnaturally preoccupied with the young Major, while Lieutenant Colonel Lawrence (Tom Conti), the only inmate with a degree of sympathy for Japanese culture and an understanding of the language, attempts to bridge the divide through his friendship with Yonoi s second-in-command, Sergeant Hara (Takeshi Kitano), a man possessing a surprising degree of compassion beneath his cruel façade."

    Produced by Jeremy Thomas (The Last Emperor, The Sheltering Sky), it was the first English-language film by Oshima (Death by Hanging, In the Realm of the Senses, Gohatto), a leading light of Japanese New Wave cinema, and provided breakthrough big-screen roles for comedian Takeshi Kitano and musician Ryuichi Sakamoto, who also composed the film s hauntingly memorable BAFTA-winning score. This powerful wartime drama was adapted from Laurens van der Post s autobiographical novel The Seed and the Sower (1963) by screenwriter Paul Mayersberg (The Man Who Fell to Earth).

    Special Features and Technical Specs:

    · High Definition Blu-ray (1080p) presentation
    · Original uncompressed stereo audio
    · The Man Who Left His Soul on Film (1983), Paul Joyce s 82-minute documentary profile of Nagisa Oshima
    · The Oshima Gang (1983), a 30-minute documentary following the film s cast and makers at the 1983 Cannes Film Festival
    · Video interviews with producer Jeremy Thomas and actor-composer Ryuichi Sakamoto
    · Exclusive newly filmed interview with critic Tony Rayns
    · Original theatrical trailer
    · Image gallery
    · Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Sam Hadley
    · Fist pressing only: Illustrated collector s booklet featuring new writing on the film by Jasper Sharp


  9. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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  10. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

    4 866
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    1 265
    Ohjaaja Nico Mastorakis on maininnut The Wind Blu-ray (Arrow) julkaisun yhteydessä Arrow:n aikeista julkaista lähitulevaisuudessa Dwight H. Little -elokuva Bloodstone - Rubiinin kirous (1988), jonka tuottajana Mastorakis toimi.


    Kino Lorber Studio Classics julkaisukatalogi saa täydennystä, kun Ralph Nelsonin ohjaaman western-klassikko Soldier Blue - Verinen sotilas (1970) ilmestyy pian. Vuoden 1864 Sand Creekin verilöylyyn päättyvä elokuva, jossa 700 sotilasta, joista enemmistö oli Coloradon osavaltion miliisejä, hyökkäsi intiaanien leirikunnan kimppuun murhaten 150 cheyenneä ja arapahoa, lyö todella katsojalle luun kurkkuun. Ja vaikka filmauksesta on jo julkaistu Blu-ray painoksia useissa maissa, myös pohjoismaissa, on syytä odottaa Kinon tekevän oikeutta filmaukselle teknisen toteutuksen osalta.

    "Original work print of the movie was 135 minutes long. When it was test-screened to an audience, they almost started a riot after watching this version. This was the only time that the full uncut version was shown, and it caused the studio to decide that it was unreleasable unless massive cuts were made to the film's violent scenes. Some of these cut and never included in any official version scenes include shots of Indian women's breasts being sliced off and thrown around; children's limbs graphically severed (real amputees were employed for these shots); a little girl's legs cut off by wagon wheels; a soldier gleefully cutting an Indian's arms off before shooting another Cheyenne in the eye; the fate of Spotted Wolf, who is beheaded and his head is hoisted as a trophy by a soldier before he tosses it to another soldier, who then throws it off camera. Spotted Wolf's head attached to the stirrup of a cavalryman was not cut and is shown in the release print, and there are stills showing his mutilated body lying on the ground without the head and four cavalrymen running around with his severed head in their hands, howling and laughing while blood is spurting from the neck stump."


    Viimeksi muokattu: 12.04.2020
  11. sokka

    sokka Lähes henkilökuntaa

    5 788
    Saadut tykkäykset:

    • 4K digital restorations of The Big Boss, Fist of Fury, Game of Death, and The Way of the Dragon, with uncompressed original monaural soundtracks
    • New 2K digital restoration of the rarely-seen 99-minute 1973 theatrical version of Enter the Dragon, with uncompressed original monaural soundtrack
    • 2K digital restoration of the 102-minute “special-edition” version of Enter the Dragon
    • Alternate audio soundtracks for the films, including original English-dubbed tracks and a 5.1 surround soundtrack for the special-edition version of Enter the Dragon
    • Six audio commentaries: on The Big Boss by Bruce Lee expert Brandon Bentley; on The Big Boss, Fist of Fury, Game of Death, and The Way of the Dragon by Hong Kong–film expert Mike Leeder; and on the special-edition version of Enter the Dragon by producer Paul Heller
    • High-definition presentation of Game of Death II, the 1981 sequel to Game of Death
    • Game of Death Redux, a new presentation of Lee’s original Game of Death footage, produced by Alan Canvan
    • New interviews on all five films with Lee biographer Matthew Polly
    • New interview with producer Andre Morgan about Golden Harvest, the company behind Hong Kong’s top martial-arts stars, including Lee
    • New program about English-language dubbing with voice performers Michael Kaye (the English-speaking voice of Lee’s Chen Zhen in Fist of Fury) and Vaughan Savidge
    • New interview with author Grady Hendrix about the “Bruceploitation” subgenre that followed Lee’s death, and a selection of Bruceploitation trailers
    • Blood and Steel, a 2004 documentary about the making of Enter the Dragon
    • Multiple programs and documentaries about Lee’s life and philosophies, including Bruce Lee: The Man and the Legend (1973) and Bruce Lee: In His Own Words (1998)
    • Interviews with Linda Lee Cadwell, Lee’s widow, and many of Lee’s collaborators and admirers, including actors Jon T. Benn, Riki Hashimoto, Nora Miao, Robert Wall, Yuen Wah, and Simon Yam and directors Clarence Fok, Sammo Hung, and Wong Jing
    • Promotional materials
    • New English subtitle translations and subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing
    • PLUS: An essay by critic Jeff Chang
    KILLPATRICK tykkää tästä.
  12. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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    Dark Force Entertainment


    Viimeksi muokattu: 18.04.2020
  13. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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    Filmjuwelen julkaisee 3.7.2020 slipcase painoksen THE HITCHER - Liftari (1986), joka lienee tervetullut huokeampaa hintaluokkaa halajaville, loppuunmyydyn ja nyttemmin riistohintaisen mediakirja -julkaisun rinnalle. Sanomattakin selvää, että lähdemateriaali on yhä sama.

    sokka tykkää tästä.
  14. hansolo

    hansolo Lähes henkilökuntaa

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  15. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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  16. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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    Vihdoin, ja vieläpä täysin odottamattoman tahon toimesta:


  17. sokka

    sokka Lähes henkilökuntaa

    5 788
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Täytyy varmaan pistää tilaukseen tuo.

    KILLPATRICK Lähes henkilökuntaa

    7 101
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    1 381
    Muistikuvat on kyllä hämäriä. Mutta varmaan parempi kuin VHS, josta viimeksi olen sen katsonut.
    sokka tykkää tästä.
  19. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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    Oijoijoijoijoi! Tätä myöden virallista. Luojan kiitos, ettei riistohintaiseen Twilight Time -julkaisuun tullut koskaan kajottua.

    Scorpion Releasing 02.06.2020

  20. sokka

    sokka Lähes henkilökuntaa

    5 788
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    ^ Toi myydään varmaan sekunnissa loppuun.