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Keskustelu osiossa 'Blu-ray & UHD -leffat' , aloittajana sokka, 04.09.2007.

  1. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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    Australian label Via Vision Entertainment has informed us that it will release on 4K Blu-ray/Blu-ray Saw: The Ultimate Collection. The thirteen-disc set is scheduled to arrive on the market on November 9.

    Official description: "With its story of a morally obsessed serial killer who forces his victims to play horrific games, Saw shocked audiences, redefined the horror genre, and spawned one of the most successful franchises of all time. Now, it's time to put the pieces of the puzzle together with Saw, Saw II, Saw III, Saw IV, Saw V, Saw VI, Saw: 3D – The Final Chapter, Jigsaw and Spiral: From the Book of Saw in this ultimate 13-disc collection – featuring an exclusive replica Reverse Bear Trap plus a bonus disc packed with hours of special features – including behind-the-scenes featurettes, cast & crew interviews, and more!"

  2. Daagen

    Daagen Tunnettu käyttäjä

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Tämä postaus tuli minulle kalliiksi :)
    KaKui tykkää tästä.
  3. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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    Tämä postaus teki minut kateelliseksi.
  4. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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    Vinegar Syndrome Announces September Releases

    Vinegar Syndrome has announced its September batch of 4K Blu-ray and Blu-ray releases. They are: The Amityville Horror (1979), The Iceman Cometh (1989), Mutant Hunt (1987), Buried Alive (1989), and Red Sun Rising (1994).
    Daagen tykkää tästä.
  5. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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    Capelight Pictures announced a 6-Disc Ultimate Edition for "All Quiet on the Western Front" (1930) (German title: Im Westen Nichts Neues) with a release-date of November 4.

    Limited and numbered to 2500 with a certificate, the Boxset houses two 3-Disc Mediabooks, with 46 pages Booklet each, and a reproduction of lobby cards.


    "The movie has a very special (sad) release history in Germany, since the Nazis and Hitler opposed the film. During and after the premier Goebbels and brownshirts disrupted the viewings with stink bombs, sneezing powder and mice. It escalated till movie goers was attacked, and the film was outlawed on December 1930. It was released again in a heavily cut version, than banned again, and all this resulted in multiple cuts and dubbs for the movie in Germany."

    Capelight worked hard and collected all these cuts and German dubs. For the first time, this edition contains all four (German) dubs of the film (from 1930, 1952, 1984 and 2005) and also for the first time the eight-minute longer version on Blu-ray and DVD with the (German) dubs from 1984 and 2005 as well as the WDR sound version from 1995. The Blu-ray also contains the censored versions from 1930 and 1952, the international standard version, the silent film version and the original ZDF version of the Volkstrauertag broadcast from 1984.

    Google translate:

    "An old screening copy of the 1930 version was found at a collector's, the version from 1952 was found in Switzerland as a 35mm copy. Although both versions are shorter than the international standard version, they contain scenes from the film that have never before been released on DVD or Blu-ray anywhere in the world. And different versions of the film could also be found in the archives of WDR and ZDF."

    "In order to let the film versions shine in contemporary splendour, we used the HD master of the international standard version created by the Library of Congress as a basis for recutting the other versions - supplemented by the missing shots from the 35mm copies. The rental company received help from an unexpected source. Word of the project had meanwhile got around among film fans, and so one day Ludger Holmenkamm contacted us, introducing himself as the editor of the said WDR version from 1995. Holmenkamm, who probably knows the film better than almost anyone else in Germany today, offered to edit the numerous video and audio versions."

    "As a result, viewers can enjoy the film for the first time in a long version on Blu-ray that is a good eight minutes longer at 141:30 minutes and for the first time with the synchronization of ZDF and the version of WDR. The synchronizations of 1930 and 1952 are available in separate versions with a running time of just under 103 minutes and 127 minutes, respectively. There is also the original, tinted ZDF version by Jürgen Labenski with a running time of 135 minutes and the silent film version with a length of 133 minutes."

    Mediabook 1 (2x BD /1x DVD):

    • Blu-ray: Long Version (HD, 141 minutes), Bonus: "Opposed Celluloid - The Fate of the Classic Movie "All Quiet on the Western Front'" (1984, SD), Theatrical Trailer (HD)
    • Blu-ray: International Standard Version (HD, 133 minutes)
    • DVD: Long version (136 minutes), Bonus: Theatrical trailer

    Mediabook 2 (3x Blu-ray, included exclusively in the Ultimate Edition):

    • Blu-ray: 1930 version (HD, 103 minutes)
    • Blu-ray: silent film version (HD, 133 minutes), original ZDF version (SD, 135 minutes)
    • Blu-ray: 1952 version (HD, 127 minutes), bonus: "The profile - Erich Maria Remarque as a guest of Friedrich Luft" (1963, SD)


    • Long version: German PCM 2.0 mono, English PCM 2.0 mono
    • International Standard version: German PCM 2.0 mono, English PCM 2.0 mono
    • 1930s version: German PCM 2.0 mono, English PCM 2.0 mono
    • 1952 version: German PCM 2.0 Mono, English PCM 2.0 Mono
    • Original ZDF version: German PCM 2.0 Mono
    • Silent film version: PCM 2.0 Mono / German DD 2.0, English DD 2.0

    Aspect Ratio:

    1.37:1 (1080p) / 1.37:1 (16:9)


    long version, international standard version: German and English, silent film version: German


    Capelight Shop:


    Amazon DE:

    Viimeksi muokattu: 10.09.2022

    KILLPATRICK Lähes henkilökuntaa

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    Perskule! Patongin purijat ovat saamassa jouluksi 4K setin ja tietenkään siinä ei ennakkotietojen mukaan ole englannin kielistä tekstitystä.
  7. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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  8. hansolo

    hansolo Lähes henkilökuntaa

    4 866
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    Radiance Films on siis Francesco Simeonin uusi yritys. Hän lähti kävelemään joku aika sitten Arrow videolta.

    Kaupan ostoskori näyttää vähentävän VAT:n ja ei lisää kohdemaan ALVia. Ei IOSS:ia.
    Esim. £15.99 hintaisen leffan hinta tippuu £13.33 ja posteja tulee yhdelle levylle £6.68 (standard), £12.09 (tracked) tai £24 (FedEx).
  9. Kusni

    Kusni Vakiokasvo

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Fran on jossain postauksessaan lupaillut IOSSia, mutta sitä pitää varmaan odottaa. Kahden levyn postitus kustantaa myös tuon £6.68, neljälle tekee £8.01.
    hansolo tykkää tästä.
  10. hansolo

    hansolo Lähes henkilökuntaa

    4 866
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    Joo, sinällään IOSS:n puuttuminen ei ole paha ongelma. Menee sitten normi tullauksena + 2,90€ postille. Saattaa tulla jopa helpommin perille, kun joidenkin pikkukauppojen "ongelmalliset" IOSS-lähetykset :). Hyvä kuitenkin, jos IOSS on tulossa.
  11. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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    Tiedossa. Viimeksi mainitsin asiasta TÄSSÄ, mutta tokkopa tuon kertaaminen pahasta ole kaiken informaatiotulvan keskellä.
  12. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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    1 264

    Australian label Via Vision Entertainment has provided us with a promotional video for its upcoming Blu-ray release of Akira Kurosawa's Dersu Uzala (1975). The release will be available for purchase on September 28.

    Label description: "Dersu Uzala is the enthralling tale of an eccentric Mongolian frontiersman (Maxim Munzuk) who is taken on as a guide by a Soviet surveying crew. While the soldiers at first perceive Dersu as a naive and comical relic of an uncivilized age, he quickly proves himself otherwise with displays of ingenuity and bravery unmatched by any member of the inexperienced mapping team, on more than one occasion becoming their unlikely savior. An amazing true story based on the memoir by Russian explorer Vladimir Arsenyev."

    "Filmed in the far reaches of Siberia, it took over two years for Director Akira Kurosawa to complete this timeless masterpiece of cinema which was shot in 70mm and was honored with the Oscar for Best Foreign-Language Film in 1976."

    Special Features and Technical Specs:

    NEW Audio commentary by Japanese film historian Stuart Galbraith IV
    NEW Mapping Kurosawa: A History of Dersu Uzala – with film writer and historian Michael Brooke
    NEW Sound of the Taiga – video essay by music historian David Schecter on the score
    • Actor Yuri Solomin on writer Vladimir Arseniev
    • Actor Yuri Solomin on director Akira Kurosawa
    • Actor Yuri Solomin discusses the film
    • Making the Film – short documentary
    • Archive footage of the real Vladimir Arseniev


    • Russian DTS HD Master 5.1
    • English dub track
    • Optional English subtitles

  13. 71 dB

    71 dB Lähes henkilökuntaa

    11 781
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    2000 kappaleen rajatut painokset karkoittavat meikäläisen. En ala kynsin ja hampain taistelemaan tuhansien muiden kanssa muutamasta Blu-ray-lätystä kuin jostain konserttilipuista, jotka myydään loppuun 4 minuutissa ja 27,71 sekunnissa online-kaupan auettua...
  14. WesleySnipes

    WesleySnipes Tuttu käyttäjä

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Siellä ne näkyy olevan Amazon UKn valikoimissa pre-ordereissa. Ei tarvi käsittääkseni taistella, jos sen laittaa tilaukseen.
  15. 71 dB

    71 dB Lähes henkilökuntaa

    11 781
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Joo, ehkä, mutta seuraavat probleemit ovat: Mikä/mitkä noista pitäisi hankkia? En tiedä noista leffoista yhtään mitään. Onko noista mikään omaan makuuni? Sitten vielä bonusongelmana se, että UK Amazonin uusilla postikuluilla ostohalut ovat heikossa hapessa... o_O
    WesleySnipes tykkää tästä.
  16. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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    Elokuvapalvelu J. Suomalainen

    SADNESS (2021)

    Alustava julkaisupäivä 25.11.2022

  17. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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    Tilannepäivitystä kasvokirjasta:

    "THE HITCHER update! Very excited to have our initial grading session with director Robert Harmon next week. We will spend several months on the 4K restoration which is scheduled for completion by end of February. A big thanks to Robert for all the support he's giving us with the release!"
    tuna ja hansolo tykkäävät tästä.
  18. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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    Shout Factory has announced that it will release on Blu-ray Joe Viola 's The Hot Box (1972) and John C. Broderick 's The Warrior and the Sorceress (1984). The two releases will be available for purchase on September 27.

    The Warrior and the Sorceress

    Label description: "Welcome to a distant world of exciting battles, exotic women, mystical secrets and evil wizards. Kain (David Carradine) is the last survivor of a mighty warrior tribe. Once an exalted warrior-priest, Kain now wanders the planet as a mercenary sword-for-hire. In one small village, he finds two vicious clans struggling for power. Kain becomes embroiled in the treachery, the battles, the mighty wizardry, and rampant debauchery."

    Technical Specs:

    • Optional English subtitles for the main feature


    The Hot Box

    "Award-winning filmmaker Jonathan Demme (The Silence of the Lambs) produces and co-writes The Hot Box, an action-thriller straight from the grimiest corner of the grindhouse."

    "Four nurses working in the tropical Republic of San Rosario enter a hellish nightmare when they are kidnapped and delivered to a rebel army fighting a guerilla war against oppressive government forces. Tormented by every man that crosses their path, the four women must band together in the dense jungle in pursuit of a solitary goal: survival."

    Special Features and Technical Specs:

    • Original trailer
    • Optional English subtitles for the main feature

  19. hansolo

    hansolo Lähes henkilökuntaa

    4 866
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Hyvää odotellessa. Vähän niin kuin saman firman Dog Soldiers 4K*, joka tipahti luukusta tänään.

    *) Tämä BD100-levy vaatikin aivan perusteellisen Fairy-kuurauksen. Pelkkä pesu lämpimällä vedellä ei riittänyt. Pakasta vedettynä levyn pinta oli täydellisen näköinen. Eipä toiminut. Pesin sitten vedellä (yleensä riittänyt itsellä), jonka jälkeen pinnalla näkyi mahdottomasti levinneitä tahroja ja osittain poistunutta "kalvoa". Fairy-pesun jälkeen pinta oli oikeasti puhdas ja levy rippautui ilman ongelmia maksiminopeudella. Jos tämä olisi jenkkijulkaisu/Disc made in Mexico, niin levyn pinnalla olisi ollut niitä kuuluisia taco-kastikejäämiä :D.

    Onpahan hyvän näköinen julkaisu, kun vertaa tuohon mun vanhaan Skandidevariin.
    Viimeksi muokattu: 20.09.2022
  20. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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    Severin Announces December Releases

    They are: Cop Game (1988), Born to Fight (1989), and Double Target (1987). The three releases are expected to arrive on the market on December 13.



    Viimeksi muokattu: 22.09.2022