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Keskustelu osiossa 'Blu-ray & UHD -leffat' , aloittajana sokka, 04.09.2007.

  1. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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    Niin... Ikuisuuskysymys harrastajien piirissä, johon vastauksien kirjo on lähes yhtä monisyinen. Esimerkiksi saaristovaltio Filippiinit tuotti suuren määrän monenkirjavia genre-elokuvia 70- ja 80-luvuilla, joista osa onnistuttiin julkaisemaan kasettitelevisiokauden kukoistuksessa Suomessakin, kulttuurin riemuvoitoksi. Katkeransuloista muistella, kuinka monista tuonkin linkin takaa löytyvistä tuli LaserDisc -siirtymäriitin myötä luovuttua - näin vain yhtenä ainoana esimerkkinä. Onhan noistakin osa toki pelastettu ja julkaistu mm. Blu-ray:nä. Esimerkkinä tästä vaikkapa pystyhullu Taistelijoiden saari.
    Viimeksi muokattu: 02.12.2022
  2. hansolo

    hansolo Lähes henkilökuntaa

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    The Hitcher (Second Sight UK) päivitys:


    Kuvassa näkyy resoluutiona 2124 x 1614 pikseliä eli ilmeisesti projektitiedostoon on tuotuna ns. 2K master file. Oliko niin, että tästä ei ole tosiaan lupailtu tai huhuiltu 4K julkaisua. Tänne kelpaa kyllä tasokas Blu-raykin!
    Viimeksi muokattu: 02.12.2022
  3. tuna

    tuna Lähes henkilökuntaa

    2 633
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    Alkuaan lupailtiin "vain" blu-ray julkaisu kun alkuperäiset negatiivit olivat "kadoksissa". Mutta taisivat löytää ne Warnerilta joten 4K UHD julkaisu sieltä on tulossa.
  4. Professional

    Professional Stirlingite Tukijoukot

    11 431
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    The Hitcher on kyllä niitä leffoja mitä ei kauheasti tarvitsisi kiillottaa. Mitä rupisempi sen parempi.
  5. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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    Aijai! Kuvanpakkaukselta lupa odottaa paljon. Toivorikkain mielin sormia ristien, että puikoissa olisi David M. henkilökohtaisesti...

    Newly founded British label Treasured Films has announced its first Blu-ray release, a deluxe edition of Antonio Margheriti 's action thriller The Last Hunter (1980), starring David Warbeck, Tisa Farrow, Tony King, Bobby Rhodes, and Margit Evelyn Newton. The release will be available for purchase on March 6.

    Official description: "Following the suicide of his best friend, Captain Henry Morris (David Warbeck) accepts a deadly mission to go behind enemy lines and put a stop to the broadcasting of anti-war propaganda, which is damaging the morale of American troops."

    Finally making its UK Blu-ray debut, Treasured Films is proud to present this former Section 3 'video nasty', Antonio Margheriti's The Last Hunter (L'Ultimo Cacciatore) as a much-treasured special edition!

    Special Features and Technical Specs:

    NEW 2K RESTORATION FROM THE ORIGINAL CAMERA NEGATIVE with encoding/authoring by Fidelity in Motion
    NEW From Dawson To Dawson - interview with assistant director Edorado Margheriti
    NEW Margie In The Jungle - interview with actress Margie Newton
    NEW Mud And Blood - interview with actor Massimo Vanni
    NEW Jungle Boogie - interview with composer Franco Micalizzi
    NEW Apocalypse Hunter - new video essay by Eugenio Ercolani
    NEW audio commentary with Nathaniel Thompson, Eugenio Ercolani and Troy Howarth
    NEW Original English Trailer (newly scanned and restored in 2K from the original camera negative)
    • The Outsider: Il Cinema Di Antonio Margheriti – the feature length documentary by Edorado Margheriti as tribute to his father's career
    • Image Gallery
    • Reversible cover artwork with original Italian title and artwork
    • Optional English SDH subtitles for the main feature
    • Rigid slipcase with exclusive artwork by Graham Humphries
    • 60-page booklet with essays and interviews by Troy Howarth, Eugenio Ercolani and John Martin
    • Six collectors' art cards

  6. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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    Film Movement has provided us with promotional trailers for the recent restorations of three classic Hideo Gosha films: Samurai Wolf (1966), Samurai Wolf II (1967), and Violent Streets (1974). The label has not yet revealed preliminary plans for upcoming Blu-ray releases.

    Samurai Wolf

    Label description: "Isao Natsuyagi stars as Kiba, a charismatic ronin who wanders into a small town and ends up ensnared in a local conflict that's more than meets the eye. After dispatching a pair of highway criminals seen robbing a courier wagon, Kiba agrees to assist a beautiful blind woman who runs the local shipping company."

    "Double- and triple-crosses ensue, illustrated with savage but economical violence courtesy of famed director Hideo Gosha's (THREE OUTLAW SAMURAI, VIOLENT STREETS) striking black and white filmmaking. The result is a lean and mean triumph of samurai cinema, cementing Gosha's status as a master of the genre."


    Samurai Wolf II: Hell Cut

    Label description: "Charismatic ronin Kiba (Isao Natsuyagi) returns, once again entangled in a complex web of intrigue, involving a crooked goldmine owner, a cynical swordsman, and an arrogant dojo master. Master filmmaker Hideo Gosha brings his trademark tight pacing and stylish action to this brisk morality play, inevitably punctuated by the explosions of violent swordplay beloved by fans of the genre."


    Violent Streets

    Label description: "After making his name in the samurai genre, master filmmaker Hideo Gosha (THREE OUTLAW SAMURAI, SAMURAI WOLF) turned his camera to the world of the yakuza, and the violent streets they control. Legendary gangster-turned-actor Noboru Ando plays Egawa, a retired yakuza underboss, now nightclub owner, who gets pulled back into the life when his old comrades demand control of his club."

    "Meanwhile, a gang war quietly roiling behind the scenes erupts into open violence in response to a high-profile kidnapping, lending unimaginably high stakes to Egawa's reemergence onto the yakuza scene. The result is a kinetic and stylish explosion of deception, mayhem, and death that leaves no one safe - and a masterpiece of 1970's yakuza cinema."


  7. Kusni

    Kusni Vakiokasvo

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  8. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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    Arrow Video be releasing Black Sunday (1977) on Blu-ray on March 28th!



    • High Definition Blu-ray (1080p) presentation
    • Original restored lossless mono audio, presented for the first time on Blu-ray
    • Optional restored lossless 5.1 and 2.0 stereo audio options
    • Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing
    • Brand new audio commentary by film scholar Josh Nelson
    • It Could Be Tomorrow – brand new visual essay by critic Sergio Angelini, exploring the film’s adaptation and production, and its place within the pantheon of 70s terrorism thrillers
    • The Directors: John Frankenheimer – an hour-long portrait of the director from 2003, including interviews with Frankenheimer, Kirk Douglas, Samuel L. Jackson, Roy Scheider, Rod Steiger and others
    • Image gallery
    • Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Peter Strain

    FIRST PRESSING ONLY: Illustrated collector's booklet featuring new writing on the film by Barry Forshaw


    "Throughout the 1970s, a wave of daring disaster movies gripped cinemagoers with their combination of bravura spectacle and “ripped from the headlines” plotlines. Among these, John Frankenheimer’s (The Manchurian Candidate, Ronin) Black Sunday endures to this day as among the cream of the crop."

    "Robert Shaw (Jaws, The Taking of Pelham One Two Three) stars as Major Kabakov, an Israeli agent attempting to avert a terrorist atrocity on US soil. The weapon: a blimp laced with explosives and piloted by Michael Lander (Bruce Dern, Silent Running), a troubled Vietnam vet driven to strike back against the nation he believes has betrayed him. The target: the Orange Bowl stadium, Miami. What follows is a nail-biting race against time culminating in a spectacular aerial climax that will determine the fate of 80,000 spectators."

    "Adapted from the best-selling debut novel by Thomas Harris (The Silence of the Lambs) and featuring virtuoso performances by a cast headlined by Dern, Shaw and Marthe Keller (Marathon Man), Black Sunday is a nerve-shredding, best-in-class suspense thriller from a filmmaker at the top of his game."
  9. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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    Prepare to add Bloodfist (1989) and Blackbelt (1992) to your collection!

    These Shout! Factory Exclusives are limited to 1,500 units each on Dec/20/2022.




    • Audio: 2.0 Mono DTS-HD Master Audio
    • Theatrical Trailer

    "To avenge the brutal murder of his brother, Jake Raye (Don "The Dragon" Wilson) journeys to the Philippines, where his search for the truth finds him battling both in and out of the ring."

    "But the weapons are always the same – bare fists and bare feet. And the rules never change: the last man standing wins. Also featuring karate legend Billy Blanks and a host of martial arts champions, Bloodfist is a knockout action flick from legendary producer Roger Corman."




    • Audio: DTS-HD Master Audio Stereo
    • Theatrical Trailer

    In Need Of A Protector? Look No Further Than Don "The Dragon" Wilson!

    "Rock star Shanna (Deirdre Imershein) needs protection from the ruthless and pathological killer, John Sweet (Matthias Hues, Dark Angel), who suffers from a n Oedipal Complex ,along with a penchant for brutal violence. Also in pursuit of Shanna is her corrupt business manager, who has his own interests at heart."

    "Reluctantly, she hires ex-cop and martial arts coach Jack Dillon (Don "The Dragon" Wilson) as her bodyguard ... and he'll have his work cut out for him as Deirdre's enemies close in on her with increasingly desperate determination. Richard Beymer (Twin Peaks, West Side Story) also stars."
  10. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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    1 264
  11. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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    1 264
    Unearthed Films has revealed a promotional trailer for its upcoming Blu-ray release of Chi Chang 's Calamity of Snakes (1982). Currently, the release is set to arrive on the market in April, 2023.

    Description: "After a businessman kills thousands of snakes in a pit while they are building a new apartment building, the people living there soon become attacked by millions of snakes with a vengeance."

    Special Features and Technical Specs:

    • Audio Commentary from Nathan Hamilton and Brad Slaton
    • Full Length Documentary: From Shaw to Snakes: The Venom And Violence of Early Chinese Language Horror Cinema
    • Reptilian Recollections: Lin Kuang-Yung In Conversation With Chui-Yi Chung
    • Alternate Cut>
    • Cruelty Free Cut

  12. jmo

    jmo Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 674
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Miami Blues (1990)
    Tuollaiseen törmäsin ja kun 4k-versio tuskin ihan heti tästä klassikosta tuloillaan, niin laitoin ennakkotilaukseen noin 27,50 e hintaan posteineen. Melkein 5 puntaa halvempi kuin Amazon.co.uk:sta. Julkaisu helmikuun alussa.

    DVD tietysti hyllystä jo löytyy, mutta bluray ollut hakusessa eräitäkin vuosia.
    Tämä lienee ensimmäinen region b-julkaisu.
    Varmaankin ketterintä Alec Baldwinia ja toimii kyllä mielestäni erinomaisesti.

    KILLPATRICK Lähes henkilökuntaa

    7 100
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    1 381
    Ihan vain oma mielipide. Alec Baldwin on ehkä surkein yritys tehdä A-luokan tähti. Onhan hän saanut myös monta kertaa yrittää. Silti tuossakin pätkässä tykkäsin Fredistä ennemmän. Käytännössä, jos miettii hänen elokuviaan, niin pakosti käy mielessä, että jos tässä olisi ollut miespääosassa joku toinen, niin tämä olisi klassikko.
    Siis Alec toimii kohtuullisen hyvin sivuosissa. Osaahan Alec jopa vähän näytellä, mutta kun karisma on jotain remontti-Reiskaa, niin minkäs teet.
  14. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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  15. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

    4 864
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    Ah, lisää Cynthia Rothrockia!

    Eureka Entertainment has revealed that it is preparing a Blu-ray release of Hoi Mang 's The Blonde Fury a.k.a. Female Reporter (1989), starring Cynthia Rothrock, Hoi Mang, Ronny Yu, Melvin Wong, Roy Chiao, and Fat Chung. The release is expected to arrive on the market in early 2023.

    Description: "Martial arts expert Cynthia Rothrock stars as a butt-kicking FBI agent sent to Hong Kong to investigate newspaper publisher Ronny Dak, who is suspected of printing counterfeit American currency."

  16. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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  17. Daagen

    Daagen Tunnettu käyttäjä

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  18. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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  19. Burkitsville

    Burkitsville Lähes henkilökuntaa

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    Scream Factory and Shout Factory Announce New Releases

    Amongst them are: Streets of Fire (1984), Critical Condition (1987), and Crazy People (1990). Currently, all releases are scheduled to arrive on the market in March.

    "Please note that these upcoming releases have not yet been detailed. Exact technical specs and supplemental features to be included on them will be revealed as street dates approach."

    Severin Announces March Releases

    They are: Violent Streets: The Umberto Lenzi/Tomas Milian Collection (1974-1978) and Attack Force Z (1981). The two releases will be available for purchase on March 28.

  20. hansolo

    hansolo Lähes henkilökuntaa

    4 866
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Mikki-klubilaisille jo saatavilla ja tulossa vapaasti 7. helmikuuta (USA).

    Celebrate 100 magical years of Disney with this collectible compilation of animated shorts! With new introductions by Mickey & Minnie, these 10 wonderful stories include such classics as the iconic Steamboat Willie, where Mickey Mouse first appeared, Brave Little Tailor, Hawaiian Holiday, On Ice, and six more delightful stories!

    Itsellä menee näköjään ohi nämä klassikkolyhärien julkaisut. Aikoinaan Suomessakin julkaistu "jouluspesiaali", jossa oli useita klassikkolyhäreitä, piti ostaa käytettynä, kun oli jo ehtinyt poistua uusmyynnistä. Tässä googlaillessa huomasin myös, että 2018 on julkaistu myös kolmentoista lyhärin Celebrating Mickey, mutta vain P-Amerikassa ja Japanissa.
    Viimeksi muokattu: 12.01.2023