Yön Ritari (The Dark Knight) (2008)

Keskustelu osiossa 'Elokuvat' , aloittajana Jorse, 15.08.2005.

  1. rewind

    rewind Guest Guest

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Mahtaako olla ihan lopullinen versio Jokerin naamasta? IMDB:stä löytyvässä kuvassa suu on maalattu paljon pidemmälle:

  2. The_Daywalker

    The_Daywalker Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 003
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Uusimassa Jokeri kuvassa puku näyttää hieman samalta kuin Burtonin Batmanissa. Ainakin kangas näyttää samalta. Toden näköinen lopullinen versio nähdään joko trailerissa tai vasta itse elokuvvassa,

    JO veikkaan Jokerin suun arvet syntyvät Batmanin käsineiden teristä, joilla Batman jo katkaisi Ra's al Ghulin ninjaken, viime elokuvan lopussa. Tämä teoria perustuu: Tämä perustuu teaserin puheisiin.
  3. Miikka720

    Miikka720 Vakiokasvo

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Jokerin "hymy" taitaa olla tuollainen vähän vääristynyt. Tässä uudessa veitsikuvassa kasvojen vasemmalla puolella hymy on poskeen asti ja taas vanhemman kuvan perusteella virne ulottuu korvaan asti oikealla puolella. Itse asiassa tuo on minusta paremman näköinen kuin symmetrinen hymy, tekee Jokerista vieläkin kammottavamman näköisen.
  4. Naama

    Naama Guest Guest

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Mutta missä helvetin vaiheessa Batman on ehtinyt suhauttaa terillään jonkun äijän suuvärkkiä vähän isommaksi, joka sitten lopulta on ottanut itselleen taiteilijanimen 'Jokeri' ? Kun jokeri ilmeisesti oli olemassa jo Batman Beginsin lopussa? :hitme: Vai onko tosiaan niin, että 'Jokeri' toimii jokerina jo ennen suunsilpomista?

    Hitto.. Tulis jo toi elokuva! :D
  5. rss

    rss Tunnettu käyttäjä

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Uskon, että se menee noin että se toimii jo jokerina ennen kun batman tekee viiltelyt..olihan ekassa batmanissa jokeril jo alussa ne jokeri kortit, jos muistan oikein..
  6. big j

    big j Tuotantoarvot kohdillaan Tukijoukot

    3 436
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Michael Caine se ainakin tuntuisi olevan lääpällään Ledgerin panokseen. Toivotaan ettei läppä vaan osoittaudu miksikään ns. 'isälliseksi selkääntaputukseksi', kun esirippu sitten aikanansa ylös jo joutaa. I Believe in Michael Caine!

  7. ColdAsIce

    ColdAsIce Vakiokasvo

    Saadut tykkäykset:

    Minutes ago, the capacity crowd at Wizard World Chicago was treated to the first look at “The Dark Knight” – the much anticipated sequel to fan favorite “Batman Begins.” With actors Christian Bale, Gary Oldman and Aaron Eckhart on hand along with Nolan and screenwriters Jonah Nolan and David Goyer, DC Publisher Paul Levitz led the crowd through a spirited and secretive Q&A before getting to a sneak peek at the Dark Knight’s most recent on-screen battle with his arch nemesis, The Joker.

    Fans were only allowed to see it once, and while it might be some time before the footage will be released to theaters across America, Wizard Universe was on hand to witness the action and give a full report.

    The footage started with a silhouette of a dark figure in front of one of Batman’s armored vehicles before quickly cutting to Bruce Wayne and Alfred delivering the brief lines heard in the “Dark Knight” teaser trailer.

    “Some people just want to watch the world burn,” advises Alfred before the camera jumps to Batman in action on the Batpod, the new iteration of his motorcycle.

    The action built up as the Joker was seen in full for the first time with a mess of white face, smeared red lipstick and sweaty, straggly green hair. Apparently, the clown prince of crime gets arrested at one point in the film, as the montage presented Jim Gordon (complete in SWAT gear) at the Joker’s booking, saying, "no prints, no ID, custom clothes, no tags.” The clown smiles with what appears to be blood over his face from the inside of an interrogation room.

    Checking back in with Bruce Wayne, the billionaire playboy has a brief scene with Eckhart’s Harvey Dent where he says “Rachel’s told me everything about you.”

    “I truly hope not,” responds Wayne.

    The footage sped up at that point into an intense montage of action, featuring the following clips:

    - The new batsuit rising up from a trap door in the ground and held in a chain metal case.

    - Rachel Dawes (played by Maggie Gyllenhaal) close to an unidentified man either kissing him or being threatened by him as the camera rotates around them.

    - The Joker and Batman battling in close quarters (possibly a hospital room). Batman throws Joker over a table and crashing into the ground while the clown smiles at him. It should be noted that the Joker was done up in his signature purple suit.

    - Plenty of big, bold Batmobile action including a shot where the tank-like car drives through a wall of flame. In fact, flames were pretty much everywhere in the footage as it appears Joker does actually make the world burn.

    - There is also a shot of a somewhat grim-faced Joker walking across a city street mercilessly firing a machine gun as well as a television close-up of the Joker laughing hysterically.

    - Two major additions to the speculation that Two Face will appear in the film came in the form of a single shot of a spinning 50 cent piece and the final image: after the action montage has slowed down, the camera cuts to a bartender looking at Harvey Dent, whose only onscreen presence is his left shoulder and a bit of a reddish-purple scarred neck. “Dent! I thought you were dead!” the man gasps, to which Harvey replies, “Half.”


    Walking the con floor, it was obvious that people were most excited today about the surprise panel of the weekend at WizardWorld Chicago -- a special panel about the upcoming film The Dark Knight, the sequel to Batman Begins that is due to be released July 18, 2008.

    The crowd was pretty juiced for the panel by the time it began several minutes after 6 o'clock, and that only grew in intensity when DC Comics publisher and president Paul Levitz informed everyone that, yes, Dark Knight is filming in Chicago. "Team Dark Knight remembers fondly
    the greeting you gave them two years ago," he said, then introduced:

    David Goyer, writer
    Jonathan Nolan, writer
    Gary Oldman, Lt. James Gordon
    Aaron Eckhart, Harvey Dent
    Christian Bale, Bruce Wayne/Batman
    Christopher Nolan, director/writer

    I sat in one of the rows toward the front, so the noise when the actors came out was almost deafening. It was apparent that everyone in the room was enthused about getting to see the people who were making the film. Every one of them got a standing ovation.

    Some of the funniest moments in the panel started early on when fans shouted out things at the actors, like "I believe in Harvey Dent!" Or when the actors responded with wide smiles and amazement at their enthusiastic reception. In Eckhart's case, he got the crowd riled up as he walked in by holding up his hand in a two-fingered peace sign, and later with a hand placed in the middle of his face as if dividing it. The crowd ate it up.

    It was an experience that made all us comics fans feel like we not only
    mattered, but we were part of a cool club that gets to hear about the film before anybody else -- that somehow we all matter. And it was, of course, pretty exciting to be sitting in the room with the seemingly inaccessible Hollywood people who made the last Batman film and were putting together the next one.

    The highlight of the panel for everyone was the footage shown at the end of the panel. It was a highlight for the actors as well, Chris Nolan pointed out, because they hadn't seen the footage before. In fact, everyone from the stage came down into the audience to watch it with us. "Christian -- sit over here!" one fan yelled.

    The footage showed Heath Ledger as the Joker, battling with Batman in several scenes. As we've seen in preview images released of Ledger in full Joker make-up, the actor's face was mutilated and painted in an eerie white with a sloppy red giant smile across the mouth. His hair in some scenes was obviously green and in one clear face-on shot, black make-up around his eyes was visible and make-up seemed to be oozing down his face.

    The Batmobile was shown at the beginning of the trailer, but soon we got to see Batman riding on his Batcycle. Included in the footage was the first meeting between Bruce Wayne and Harvey Dent, Michael Caine as Alfred Pennyworth talking to Bruce, a shot of Batman standing on the corner of a building overlooking the city at night, Bruce Wayne kissing a woman that must have been Maggie Gyllenhaal as Rachel Dawes, several scenes of Gary Oldman as James Gordon, Joker dancing with a resistant Rachel, a fire truck burning on a street, a few fiery car crashes, a
    coin spinning like a top, and the Joker on what appeared to be television.

    But the kicker was the last moment shown, where the back of Harvey Dent's head was visible, and it looked like one side of his face might be mutilated, although it wasn't really showing very well -- and a character was looking at his face saying, "Dent? Jesus, I thought you was dead."

    The crowd cheered madly as the footage ended, and the actors and director left the audience and ducked away as people chanted, "One more time!!"

    Before the footage was shown, Chris Nolan made an appeal for nobody to film or record it, saying he was reluctant to share footage of an unfinished film -- the movie is exactly halfway finished being filmed, he said -- and he was convinced to share it only because of the reception he'd received last time he visited the con. Despite that appeal, as I left the building to type up this report at my hotel, I saw a lot of people running ahead of me, probably carrying recording devices. Whether they will get it up on the 'net in time for very many comics fans to see it before WB gets it taken down should be interesting.

    During the panel, the actors, writers and director answered questions from fans and talked a little about the film.

    Bale immediately got cheers by saying, "It's a great honor for me to reprise this most bad-ass of characters."

    The actor said he had originally only seen Batman through the Adam West role on television, "which was great, but it was a spoof. In truth, I was never a huge fan of Batman.

    "Then I read Frank Miller's Year One, and I asked the question I'm sure many of you asked -- why the hell hasn't somebody made this kind of Batman movie?" the actor said.

    Asked about reprising the role, he said he was a little concerned about coming back to the character after two years away from him, but it was "like riding a bike."

    "You put on the suit and there's only one way you can play it," he said.

    Levitz turned to Eckhart for his thoughts, and he asked if the actor had "a word" to share. "Or two?" After fans got the joke, Eckhart said, "So that's how it's going to be, huh?" to which Levitz answered, "for the rest of your life." Eckhart said, "I think you guys are going to be really, really pleased with what's going on."

    Oldman talked about how much he liked coming back to the character of Lt. Gordon, but then added, "We can call him commissioner now."

    Fans wanted information but didn't get much. Nobody would speak to what happens to Harvey Dent in the movie. When asked about how they are approaching the character of the Joker, Goyer said the most important part of scripting that character was making sure he fit into the Batman Begins universe, which already existed because of the first film. "The Joker's a lot more theatrical than this universe," he said. "Obviously, the Jack Nicholson character doesn't work in this universe."

    Jonathan Nolan said that anytime he was confused about the Joker character, he'd call up Levitz and get together for dinner to discuss him. He added that the question isn't how he was able to capture the Joker in the script, but "how to get him out of my head. Months and months of therapy."

    Chris Nolan said that in the first film, it was Goyer who had insisted they include the Joker card at the end of the film to be a "hook" for the ending. He said that during the process of creating the character for the script, they spent a lot of time looking through all the comics where Joker appears and talking and arguing about it. Then he said his brother Jonathan called and asked, "Have you read the first two appearances of the Joker?" Chris Nolan said he hadn't, but once he did, "I felt like we've actually come around to something eerily close to those first two stories."

    He also said what Ledger is doing with the role is "pretty indescribable."

    "He's completely figured it out, but it's impossible to describe," he said of the actor's performance.

    Oldman added that while the script mapped out what the Joker character would be like, Ledger's "going to knock everyone out of the ballpark."

    Chris Nolan noted that while they only filmed three weeks in Chicago for the last film, they were spending several months here this time to "expand the scope of the story" and film in real buildings and real settings. "We really want to create a very epic feel to the film," the director said.

    Goyer said that when he and Chris Nolan first started talking about a sequel, they wondered if it was possible to top an origin story. "Based on what I've seen this time, my jaw's just dropping. On this one, I think they topped it."

    Bale was asked about how different it is to prepare for the role of Batman than it is for other physical roles he's performed. He said that while it's obviously essential that the character be very physical, because Batman is more about having power and force, "it's far more of a mental discipline."

    Asked about the possibility of doing a Superman/Batman film, Goyer ranked his interest "now that I've seen this one" as a zero. Jonathan Nolan admitted that when he read Dark Knight Returns, he liked the "amazing sequence" in there with the two characters, so he couldn't put a number on his interest. But his brother Christopher just said, "Who gives a ****?" to laughs from the crowd.

    The panel wasn't on the regular schedule for the comic convention, but it was announced yesterday during the DC Nation panel that it was being added at 6 p.m. on Saturday, and fans lined up as early as 9 a.m. for the chance to get a wristband to see the Dark Knight preview.

    Everyone who got a wristband also received a Dark Knight T-shirt - when the T-shirts were handed out to people, they were told to wear them to the panel. They had the Dark Knight logo on the front, and on the back was scrawled in white: "Wizard World Chicago, Aug. 9-12 2007." After the panel, people from DC were shining black lights into the audience and you could see "Ha Ha Ha" glowing across the T-shirts -- a little secret code that we didn't know about until we got there.

    Attendees also received a piece of paper warning them not to take anything into the room that is considered a recording device. No cameras, no computers -- not even any cell phones. The paper suggested leaving such devices in a car and apologized for the inconvenience. One thing was certain – Warner Brothers isn't wanting any recording of the panel ending up splashed across the web.

    Honestly, it seemed like you wouldn't even have to go through this kind of security if secret war plans were being discussed at the Pentagon.

    More evidence of this came soon after I got my wristband early this morning when I made the mistake of going into an empty panel room to sit down for a few minutes and type up some things for Newsarama --something I've done a few times over the weekend because the panel rooms, when empty, are well air-conditioned, quiet and have electric outlets and cold water available -- things you can't find on the con floor. Little did I know that I just happened to walk into a practice session for the folks from Warner Brothers and DC who were running The Dark Knight panel later. I was kindly escorted out of the room. Oops! I walked into the Pentagon!

    But moments later, all the fans just outside the room could hear loud Batman Begins-style music coming from the room, which made myself and everyone nearby even more excited at the prospect that a preview of the movie might be shown. All day, people were talking about whether they might see Ledger as the Joker or even Eckhart as Two-Face or, dare we dream, the actors themselves, similar to their appearance at the same con before Batman Begins. People were asking, "Do you know if Christian Bale's in town right now?" Some said yes -- some said no.

    Obviously, everyone was pretty thrilled the answer was yes. And you can bet that's going to be the talk of the show on Sunday.
  8. The_Daywalker

    The_Daywalker Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 003
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Ensimäistä kertaa odotan näin paljon tätä elokuvaa.
  9. ElvisThePelvis

    ElvisThePelvis Lähes henkilökuntaa

    11 669
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Toivotaan nyt, että Nolan hallitsee jatko-osan teon sen verran hyvin, että The Dark Knightista tulee sellainen elokuva mitä Spider-man 3:n piti olla. Uskoisin, että tulee. :thumbsup:
  10. ColdAsIce

    ColdAsIce Vakiokasvo

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    ^Itse olen odottanut leffaa koko ajan kuin kuuta nousevaa, mutta kaikki tuo WW-messuilta kantautunut informaatio ainoastaan lisää innostustani. TDK kuulostaa yksinkertaisesti aivan helvetin hyvältä!

    Ja joulukuussa pitäisi vissiin tulla traileri...odottavan aika on pitkä!

    The Joker and Batman battling in close quarters (possibly a hospital room). Batman throws Joker over a table and crashing into the ground while the clown smiles at him. It should be noted that the Joker was done up in his signature purple suit.

    Tämä(kin) vaikuttaa aivan mahtavalta. Batman pieksämässä Jokeria ja tämä vaan hymyilee. Todennäköisesti erittäin intensiivinen kohtaus. Itse juuri haluan, että Jokerin ja Batmanin taistelu menee erittäin henkilökohtaiseksi. Ilmeisesti Jokeri jää elokuvan alkupuolella(?) kiinni, mutta ehtii kuitenkin sitä ennen tekemään jotain sellaista mikä saa Batmanin flippaamaan. Itse veikkaisin että Jokeri tekee jotain Rachel Dawesille.
  11. njulkunen

    njulkunen Guest Guest

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Kiva nippu nettiin vuotaneita kuvia. Saattaa olla et WB vetää kuvat alas pikaseen:




















  12. Crockett

    Crockett Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 091
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Vähintäänkin huvittavia nuo kaksi ensimmäistä kuvaa...
  13. Vekka

    Vekka Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 022
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Onpa ruma tuo Batmanin puku.
  14. ElvisThePelvis

    ElvisThePelvis Lähes henkilökuntaa

    11 669
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Erittäin hyvältä vaikuttaa. Tosin hieman pettynyt olen, kun odotin Ledgeriltä vähän radikaalimpaa muodonmuutosta. Toisaalta, etenkin nuo kuulusteluhuonekuvat näyttävät todella lupaavilta. Batman-puvussa on kai luotettu jälleen siihen "tehdään realistinen ja tekniikkaan turvautuva Batman" strategiaan, eikä siihen, että yritetään tehdä jotenkin kaunis ja seksikäs puku.
  15. big j

    big j Tuotantoarvot kohdillaan Tukijoukot

    3 436
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    ... ja näyttävät myös osaltaan varmistavan sen, että
    elokuvan juoneen kuuluu tuollainen feikki-batmanien jekkustelu. Ettei vaan olisi ihan Jokerin juttuja.

    Ledgerhän se näyttää oikeinkin mainiolta.
  16. nepa

    nepa Alakerran HFR CIH -mies. Tukijoukot

    9 442
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    1 441
    Näyttää kyllä vähän kissanaiselta tuo Batman. Miksi Jokerilla muuten on tuollainen pellenaama? Luulisi, että poliisiasemalla pesevät tuollaiset pelleilyt pois? :rolleyes:
  17. ColdAsIce

    ColdAsIce Vakiokasvo

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Oli kyllä upeita kuvia! Kaikki näyttää niin helvetin hienolta!

    Selvästikin Batman käyttää kahta erilaista pukua tässä leffassa kuten huhutkin kertoivat. Tuo toinen puku vaikuttaisi enemmän sellaiselta moottoripyöräpuvulta. Myös tuo Waynen uusi autotalli/Batcave näyttää hienolta vaikka aluksi vähän oudoksuin tuota valoisuutta. Osasin jo odotellakin että TDK:ssa Wayne tekisi kuuluisaa etsiväntyötään tietokoneiden ääressä.

    Batman kovistelemassa Jokeria kuulusteluhuoneessa! God damn! Jokerikin näyttää ihan hyvältä vaikka olisi toivonut, että nuo arvet suunpielissä olisivat olleet vähän rujomman näköiset. Toisaalta Two Face tulee todennäköisesti olemaan sen verran rujo, että ehkä on hyvä vaan, ettei molempien pärstät ole aivan kamalia. Ja kyllähän tuo Jokerikin ihan tarpeeksi friikiltä näyttää. Selvästikin Batman ottaa Jokerista ja hänen miehistään oikein kunnolla mittaa jossain parkkihallissa! En malta odottaa!:naminami:

    edit// Niin nuo feikki-Batmanit vähän hämmästyttävät kummastuttavat pientä kulkijaa. Ainakin tuossa ylimmässä kuvassa vaikuttaisi siltä, että nuo feikit istuisivat panttivankien keskuudessa tms. Eli itse sain sellaisen käsityksen että he eivät olisi mitään Jokerin kätyreitä.
  18. Kristian

    Kristian Lähes henkilökuntaa

    2 779
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Kuvaustauolla stuntit ja näyttelijät odottelevat settivalaistuksen ongelmien korjaamista eikä siinä muutakaan tekemistä ole, kun nyhjöttää porukalla nurkassa - hyvikset ja pahikset sekaisin.
  19. The_Daywalker

    The_Daywalker Lähes henkilökuntaa

    1 003
    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Taas kerran odotus taso nousi uudeen huippuuun :)
    Mielestäni uusi Batman asu on tyylikäs. Jokeri on tarpeeksi sekopään näköinen :D

    Uusia spoilereita
    * Casting has just been completed for 400 extras to play police officers in a major scene to be shot next week. The scene is most likely a funeral scene.
    * Why a funeral scene? Well, it turns out that in his quest to turn the city of Gotham upside down, The Joker (Heath Ledger) knocks off both the Mayor and the Police Commissioner. He goes after DA Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart) by dropping in on a party for Dent being held by Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale). You may already know about the party, especially if you saw those pics. This is where The Joker grabs a hold of Rachel Dawes (Maggie Gyllenhaal) and ultimately where he first battles Batman.
    * My good friend Peter over at /Film reported a few weeks ago that The Joker does in fact kidnap Rachel Dawes from the party (as seen in the first Joker pic that was released; the one where he is holding a knife to her throat). According to my source, that is only partly true. It turns out that The Joker shows up to the party looking for Harvey Dent, as he is next in line to die. Bruce Wayne slips out of the party and puts dons the Batsuit (which seems to be getting mixed reactions from the fans). When he re-enters, he throws Dent out of the way, leaving Dawes (who was Dent’s date) unattended. The Joker then takes her as his hostage and ultimately ends up throwing her out of the window. He also jumps out of the window, followed by Batman.
    * Also showing up at the party is Senator Patrick Leahy, who also has words with The Joker.
    * In describing Heath Ledger as The Joker, our source said, “Heath Ledger is good. Very Dark. He looked sort of like a bum clown, as if haphazardly done. His hair was nappy — he looked kinda weasely. But he is a twisted, scary guy.”
    * Our source also revealed that the entire party sequence was shot with a steadicam, with some shots being conducted with an IMAX camera.
    * Our source also tried to help clear up the “multiple Batmans” rumor that has been running rampant around the interwebs. We obviously know that there are multiple guys in Batsuits running around the city, as evidence from the pictures that were leaked. Our source said that based on the dialogue he has heard in some of the scenes, this is all a ploy by The Joker to damage Batman’s image. It all plays into a sick and twisted mind game that The Joker uses to create chaos. It certainly makes more sense than the “Batman impostor” theory that has been going around.

  20. ColdAsIce

    ColdAsIce Vakiokasvo

    Saadut tykkäykset:
    Jos kerran Batman kohtaa Jokerin ensimmäisen kerran vasta noissa Waynen kemuissa niin silloinhan Batman ei ole voinut aiheuttaa noita Jokerin kasvoissa olevia arpia. Nyt taas herää kysymys, että onko Jokerilla nuo arvet heti elokuvan alusta alkaen vai mitä hittoa..? Käsittääkseni Waynen pippalot eivät kuitenkaan ole Jokerin ensiesiintyminen vaan että näkisimme jannun jo in action pankkiryöstökohtauksessa elokuvan alussa. Ilmeisesti Batman ei tule väliin siellä pankissa jos hän kerran iskee Jokerin kanssa ensimmäistä kertaa yhteen vasta Waynen bileissä. Tosin tämä nyt on ihan loogista jos Jokeri iskee pankkiin keskellä päivää. Harvemminhan Batman on partioimassa kaupungilla lounasaikaan.